
The Modern Butlers’ Journal, March 2021

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

It is encouraging to see butler schools busy with on-line and in-person assignments as well as placement requests, and the butler world, whether in private service or hospitality, slowly starting to come back to life again.

It is also very encouraging to see the principals of many butler schools coming together to set the standards for butler training so that those who put their trust in the butler training profession are enabled…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

A quiet month for butlers in the media, with just one billing of a “Book Butler” who delivers books selected from a menu by hotel guests….



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Letters to the Editor

“Good morning, what a fun day when the newsletter arrives, it always includes fantastic information. Thank you for keeping the reading public abreast of all the good and not so good (SABA) literature. In actuality, I love a whistleblower who has the courage and integrity to stand for many people in a similar situation. Your new photograph as well as your beautiful wife are a really pleasant addition. The newsletter is one of my favorite things to read. It always delivers knowledge, humor, and I always learn something new. What a talented group of professionals!…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 46: Professional Events Require Trained and Drilled Staff

by Steven Ferry

Another area of trouble was lack of training and drilling, the example given starting with an uneducated butler being assisted by uneducated waiters drawn from the stable hands and the hall boy, as well as two experienced footmen attached to the guests but who were not shown the ropes before the dinner started. All this in order to provide a good ratio of waiters to guests (in the example given, 6 staff for 14 guests).

The answer to such was to know the skills of each helper ahead of time and to show them the ropes as much as possible…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 65: Cherry Blossom Cocktail

by Amer A. Vargas

Spring is around the corner (in the Northern hemisphere, of course)!

The snow and rainy season is about to finish and the new season will bring us the full beauty of mother nature’s colors with all her blossoming trees, plants and flowers… Isn’t that a good reason to celebrate?

So why not welcome Spring with a cocktail that evokes the season?…

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My Butler Julius: Being of Service

by My Butler Julius

Some of us come to this wonderful profession of butler late in life and some much earlier, entering through different routes such as a butler school or working in a hotel. The one common factor we all share is the wish to be of service. Being a butler can involve personal sacrifice—I have no doubt all of us can recall numerous times we have missed family gatherings and anniversaries in order to service our principals and their guests. We take this in our stride because our reward comes in the satisfaction of knowing we…

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Paying Attention to Details

Because one image can say more than a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) someone’s attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…



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Care of Leather Goods, Part 5: Different Kinds of Polishes

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

Wax is the most common polish for shoes and allows a shine to be created while adding layers that increase the leather’s water resistance; it also adds a small amount of moisture that helps keep the leather supple and free from cracks to some extent.

To ensure the leather is conditioned with sufficient moisture, especially in dry climates or where leathers are used often, apply creams (i.e. Meltonian, Kelley’s, Moneysworth & Best)…

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Special Notice: SABA

An unseemly public spectacle is unfolding between the South African Butler Academy (SABA) and many of its graduates and ex-students which, as more information keeps appearing, is sufficiently egregious that the butler training community is sitting up in alarm, as letters to this editor continue to make plain.

It is worth pointing out that SABA is confusing the issue by lashing out at third parties who dare question their actions, statements, or status…….

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Scholarship Update

We are happy to report that the lady who was awarded a partial scholarship as organized by Mr. Jim Grise and supported by several people in the domestic services industry, has already started on the course. In her own words:

“The course is going well—I am enjoying the content and the first module completion date is the 23rd of February…….

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Placement and Job Vacancies: Temporary Butler Assignment

The assignment is for 12-20 March on the Big Island of Hawaii. Friendly, not formal service required for a family of 4; a top chef is also being flown in and a butler is needed to help serve about 10 meals total during this time period, as the family will not spend much time at the house. $3,500 USD, plus ticket and nice accommodations provided. Potential for multiple further assignments with the same client…….


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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

In the continued quest to perfect his offerings to guests, Mr. Gutman presents a horse this month. As he says, “You have to make a horse every now and then, you know! I’ll try to cast this one. The last two horses I tried to cast didn’t work out that well, so crossing fingers.”

A few days later, he sent photographs of the cast—a success!

This is a butler with zero background in sculpting who, if you compare…

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.

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The Modern Butlers’ Journal, February 2021

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

We have a variety of interesting topics this month, including feedback from the many with much to say about the ongoing South African Butler Academy court cases, the reported excesses of which have galvanized the butler schools of the world into forming an alliance to set standards for what is acceptable business practice for the profession and thus protect the reputation of all member school, and provide future students with choices that will actually deliver on the promise rather than disappoint them and even betray their trust. There is a silver lining in every cloud, it seems, or as Henry Ford once…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

Both mentions of butlers in the media this month referred to gadgets called butlers: An improved robot butler which is essentially just one arm, can help with various chores around the house, such as loading a dishwasher or pouring a glass of wine. It also has eyes that change shape to mimic emotions. This butler is obviously vastly superior to a Wall Mounted Bar Butler shot dispenser, which has no arm, no eyes, and is not programmed with any artificial intelligence that enables it to pretend to have an emotion….

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Letters to the Editor

“I wish I had known Dr Maniku and his empire. I wish I had been a guest at his resort and ordered a specific Danish open-faced sandwich and then had to help him out. I also wish I had been there and ordered a surf and turf and leaned back to watch the magic. Thank you Dr M for what you did in this world. May your God be with you.” BK

Ed: Thank you for the kind words about Dr. Maniku. Magic is the right word for what he accomplished—and I can say that I am sure

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 45: Waiting at Table

by Steven Ferry

It is encouraging to see that the same advice we dispense today on how a butler “waits” was given two centuries ago. If some accident occurs, keep yourself as “quiet and cool” as possible in the event the principal blames you for it publicly; and if it was not your error, pick a time later on to defend yourself in private with the principal.

Accidents will occur if one serve with the left hand from the right side, or the right hand from the left side…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 64: Blue Hawaiian Cocktail

by Amer A. Vargas

Following a great beginning of the year, we continue “cocktailing” to entertain our palates and have fun discovering new eye-catching concoctions and beautiful tastes. On this occasion we are reviewing the Blue Hawaiian cocktail (not the Blue Hawaii, which is a different cocktail using sour mix instead of cream of coconut) as presented by our colleagues at The Spruce Eats in their website. And funnily enough, depending on how the light falls on the cocktail, you may see it green instead of blue! The Blue Hawaiian is a delicious tropical drink, as you can infer by the ingredients…

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My Butler Julius: Working in a Formal or Informal Event

by My Butler Julius

From beleaguered London, I offer the following to rise above the continued craziness we are experiencing, particularly these days when we are being asked to stay at home yet again. It’s nice every now and then to do something special, and with Valentine’s day coming up, what would be better than to show our appreciation for that very special person, yourself? Many of us in private service won’t be on duty that day, so why not use the day as an excuse to dress our dining table beautifully and push the boat out. As Valentine’s day is about love, let’s set the mood and put cards and photographs…

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Paying Attention to Details

Because one image can speak a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…


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Consulting the Silver Expert: A Word from our Silver Expert

by Jeff Herman

I would like to thank Steven and Monica Ferry for allowing me this forum to express my love of educating others on the upkeep and storage of silver. It’s been an absolute joy working with them.

Should anyone have questions about anything silver-related, please don’t hesitate to visit my Web site hermansilver.comx or to send me an e-mail

Have a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year…

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Care of Leather Goods, Part 4: Nurturing the Patina

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

Cosmetics companies keep telling us that skin wrinkles and sags if allowed to become dry and lose its elasticity/collagen; full-grain leather is no different, being the skin of an animal. Obviously, the more exposure to the elements, the more care is required, and vice versa. This is not to say that all leather must be highly polished, no more than all paint must be high gloss. The patina (the way something looks as a result of natural wear and tear over time while being properly care for) of a well-used leather bag or jacket is half of the magic of leather—one hand-made leather cowboy belt dating…

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Special Notice: SABA

As the two cases continue against the South African Butler Academy, many reports are starting to surface on social media from those who feel aggrieved by the training they have received, thus allowing potential students to find something other than the streams of self-aggrandizing promotion that SABA puts out about itself or reportedly compels students to post. Many letters came in to the editor this month on SABA, and one ex-student sent a copy of a letter (quoted in part at the bottom) she wrote to Mr. Cross that gives some idea of the unprofessional level of training being offered…….

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Placement and Job Vacancies: Live-in Butler/Estate Manager Miami Area

20,000 sq. ft. residence, 2 months a year the family of 4 (2 adults, a 14- and 20-year old) is in residence. Responsible for the running of the estate, managing vendors, light cooking, chauffeuring, shopping, organizing parties, etc. Vendors manage all physical elements such as pool and landscaping; housekeeper and any other help needed will be brought in during these two months. Otherwise, remaining ten months, the estate manager acts as a caretaker for the property, light schedule and duties including housekeeping. Live-in studio apartment, usual benefits, salary DOE…….

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In Their Words: How Those Trained by the Institute’s Trainers Feel about Their Experience-Online Training, Private Service Graduate

All my life I have had a secret fascination with the life, role, art, and skills of the traditionally trained British Butler—the refinement of character, sense of morals and ethics, integrity and decency, and a good grasp of taste and personal refinement. I wanted to integrate everything about being a butler into my personal and professional life, to use the valuable skills and knowledge on an everyday basis and to grow as a person. I could not afford to go to a bricks and mortar school in another country, so I decided to look at one of Mr. Ferry’s books that had been in my library for 15 years and then do an internet…….

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Continuing to improve on his technique as he wows guests with his creations, Mr. Gutman copied master sculptor Philippe Faraut’s statue using Monster Clay,  an oil based, wax infused clay. He then made two casts using a mixture of resin and plaster, adding bases that he also molded and cast. The base that looks like marble is simply not painted. He then colored the jewelry of one of the sculptures with some gold powder to provide an accent. For another guest, research showed that she owned a bakery/confectioners. Mr. Gutman had planned to make the logo of her company…

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, January 2021

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

It is with a sad heart that we report the passing of Dr. Maniku, who’s vision, people- and administrative-skills were largely responsible for making available the beauty of the Maldives to millions of people seeking a respite from the stresses and strains of their everyday lives to experience one of the paradises we are so fortunate to have in this world.From the pioneering Baros resort where guests and staff roughed it as they started to define tourism in the country almost five decades ago, Dr. Maniku and his family built numerous excellent resorts and even an airline…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

Just three mentions of butlers in the media this month. 1.The investigative South African TV program Carte Blanche aired an expose on the South African Butler Academy; this is a hot topic in the butler world, as evidenced by responses to the video as well as the number of people writing to the editor, expressing relief that action was finally being taken to rein in the excesses of this organization that they had witnessed themselves; 2.Bloomberg has an interesting article on the rise of robots in response to the fear generated concerning social distancing to avoid the spread of the….

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Letters to the Editor

“Thank you for always advocating for the highest quality of education when it comes to being a butler. It has been a pleasure reading your informative and quality newsletter since 2011. The literature has always been useful to me in private domestic service, utilizing every tidbit to the best of my abilities. I was saddened and shocked after reading this article [about SABA]—you are a man of great integrity, thank you for being conscientious in this matter. Truthfully, my standard of service accelerated once I began to intertwine all of the helpful advice that your experts and you so unselfishly included…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 44: English Afternoon Tea

by Steven Ferry

The refined tea experience of today was born out of what can only be described as a more-rudimentary experience two centuries ago, where the butler was admonished to do his best to remedy the major complaint, that by the time the tea reached the guests, it was no longer hot. They obviously had not worked out the logistics and techniques for presenting hot tea, even though, at the time the book was written, tea had been served in the wealthier households for over a century. The butler was also admonished to carry a cloth on his person to wipe any spills, and to provide…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 63: Tea & Cider Punch

by Amer A. Vargas

Happy New Year, dear readers! Now that the cold months of winter have definitely arrived in the Northern hemisphere, this month we will devote our cocktail article to a warming brew to help kickstart the new year with our engines already running and well heated. This recipe, suggested by Kate Merker and Taylor Murray in the January 2020 issue of, mixes the sweetness of reduced apple cider with the  warming attributes of the alcohol in bourbon added to hot tea — it’s designed to revive frost-nipped fingers, toes and noses after a day out in the cold. Preparation is very…

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My Butler Julius: Working in a Formal or Informal Event

by My Butler Julius

Recently I had a very interesting conversation with my eldest daughter, who is training to become a nanny at Norland College in Bath [England]. She is in her final year and the time has come to find a placement with a family, She has been offered the choice of working for a formal or an informal family. Giving her my opinion, I stated I always prefer a formal family. Throughout my career, I have always tended to work in a formal environment. You may call me old school, but it works when an employer and an employee know their roles. I know the modern trend is for families to…

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Paying Attention to Details

by Steven Ferry

Because one image can speak a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…


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Consulting the Silver Expert: A Big “Thank You!”

by Jeff Herman

We would like to thank Mr. Herman for his years of contributions to the MBJ, sharing his know-how and skills in all matters silver. The subject is large but not infinite, and so it is time to acknowledge that all possible angles and subjects have by now been covered. Unless anyone has any questions still unanswered about how to maintain silver or anything else related to the subject, then it is time to say “Goodbye, and thank you, Mr. Herman.” May you continue to bring clarity and expert service to your customers and those butlers and others who want their silver to continue to give joy for…

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Care of Leather Goods, Part 2: Quality Leather Properly Cared for Give a Lifetime or more of Pleasure

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

As we covered in an MBJ article 10 years ago, the oldest leather shoe on record was unearthed in a large cave in Armenia and dates back 5,500 years. While we cannot guarantee that the care we recommend and discuss for leather will be quite as successful, we can say that keeping leather immersed in sheep dung will do the trick if you have set your sights on thousands of years of use. For more modest and practical results, the Chairman’s leather shoes are 46 years old, same uppers, third generation sole, and still going strong as a result of proper care. Even though they…

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Scholarship Opportunity

Sixteen years ago, I was in extended conversation with Cornell University to provide adjunct training, or even a Cornell-based butler-specific course, for high-end butler administrators and estate managers as it was obvious butler training up to that point left the majority of graduates floundering and clients underserved. The idea was ahead of its time, so it is heartening to see Mr. Jim Grise pushing through the same basic notion. For as he says, “The future of domestic service management is an educated workforce, with both technical and academic standards. This is an inconvenient…….

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Special Notice: Media Exposes SABA

The famous South African investigative program, Carte Blanche, interviewed past South African Butler Academy students, including those taking part in the previous legal action between Mr. Cross and the well-known blogger/guest house owner, Ms. Chris von Ulmenstein, who won the high court case against SABA (Case No.: 23686/2016) in 2017. The programme aired on Sunday, December 27, 2020 and can be seen on YouTube. The number of views within 24-hours shows the topic is hot in our relatively small community, with new people deciding to join the legal actions against SABA as a result of seeing the TV programme; further information and responses…….

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In Their Words: How Those Trained by the Institute’s Trainers Feel about Their Experience-Online Training, Private Service Graduate

All my life I have had a secret fascination with the life, role, art, and skills of the traditionally trained British Butler—the refinement of character, sense of morals and ethics, integrity and decency, and a good grasp of taste and personal refinement. I wanted to integrate everything about being a butler into my personal and professional life, to use the valuable skills and knowledge on an everyday basis and to grow as a person. I could not afford to go to a bricks and mortar school in another country, so I decided to look at one of Mr. Ferry’s books that had been in my library for 15 years and then do an internet…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, December 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

This month’s issue has many interesting pieces in it as well as one unpleasant piece of news regarding a joint action being taken by dissatisfied students and graduates from the South African Butler Academy. While the defendants are innocent until proven guilty, for it to reach the point where graduates rise up in numbers to complain through the legal system, there must have been some problem with the services being offered or the advertising of the same. The owner of SABA is trying through various legal shifts to prevent the case from moving forward, as well as setting up a blank web page that promises to detail how bad the…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

Home builders providing more services for condominium owners in China is a good idea: They dress like butlers and are called butlers, but the idea goes off the rails when we learn that “Each chief butler leads a team whose duties span everything from security and cleaning to repair, maintenance and other services to take care of up to 50 families.” As a profession we risk the concept of the butler being diluted and losing all meaning as the word is redefined into something else, the sheer volume of its use with the new meaning and reality becoming the norm. It reminds me of a time I was lecturing at a university in….

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Letters to the Editor

“Thank you for another entertaining and informative newsletter and website. I enjoy many aspects of the site and Creative Corner [in the newsletter] is especially a treat!” CRS”

Thank you for taking the time to let us know. Your message was very kind and uplifting and is appreciated.” KG, author of Creative Corner…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 43: Dinner Service

by Steven Ferry

When it looked like everyone had finished, the butler kept an eye on the host/hostess for the signal to clear that course. When the timing was close, he alerted the cook by ringing the bell (if not by verbal message relayed by a footman).First to be removed were any carving knives and forks. Then, funnily enough, removing the knives and forks from the individual settings, and next their plates.Unlike today, the butlers two centuries ago did not lay all the silverware before the meal, but course by course, like in a restaurant, which is harder for the butlers and distracting for the guests. Obviously, the modern refinement occurred sometime after the 1820’s…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 62: Tom & Jerry

by Amer A. Vargas

With Christmas just around the corner, it is time for a Christmassy brew again! Perhaps you remember that this time last year, we tried out a variation of the traditional Eggnog punch, the White Chocolate Eggnog Punch. This year, we will be having seconds! However this time, we have a proper name for it: the Tom & Jerry. And this delectable hot cocktail celebrates its Second Century Anniversary!The name probably rings a bell. The famous cat and mouse TV characters got their name from a book by Pierce Egan named Life in London, or The Day and Night Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn Esq. and his Elegant Friend Corinthian Tom and the subsequent theater play Tom and Jerry…

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My Butler Julius

by My Butler Julius

In today’s socially distanced world, the shaking of hands has now become taboo and temporary made redundant. To find an elegant alternative to make a greeting, I believe we should follow HRH The Prince of Wales and do what is called a “namaste,” a popular custom in India and Asia.  To perform this welcome, place your hands together fingers upwards and thumbs resting close to the middle of your chest. This is ideal for butlers, as the gesture includes a slight bow of the head, something we as butlers are well used to executing. Hand gestures can also make up for the lack of facial expressions when wearing a mask…

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Paying Attention to Details

by Steven Ferry

Because one image can speak a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) can attention to detail be, and be left speechless…


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Consulting the Silver Expert: Mustard Pots

by Jeff Herman

Originally, mustard was used dry, and casters were used for serving it. When, in the 18th century, vinegar or wine was added to make a paste, sterling mustard pots were used, virtually all of them having cut-outs in the cover to accommodate a small spoon or ladle. The first mustard pots had internal gilding to prevent etching from the acidic ingredients. Pierced or solid bodies with glass liners followed. Most antique pots have hinged covers, but many later designs have less expensive hinge-free covers. Some were made as parts of condiment sets which included salts and peppers. Mustard spoons…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Turndown or special occasions are good opportunities to make personalized cards for principals, family, and guests. In hospitality, one can have multiple cards printed professionally for a variety of likely occasions, with the company logo added; or in hospitality or private service, one can purchase quality off-the-shelf cards the image and text of which suit the recipient as much as possible and then hand-write a special message. The advantage of making your own from scratch is that all elements are customized for the recipient. The process is simple….

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Care of Leather Goods, Part 2: Types of Leather

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

“Full grain” is the full thickness of the animal hide and so is the most durable and able to develop patina as it ages, rather than wearing out over time. It is also the most breathable when in contact with the human body. Needless to say, it is the most expensive, but not if you average the price of the multiple lesser-quality belts one has to buy that will last the lifetime of a full-grain belt. Might be better to enjoy the quality all the time, no? The next level down is “top grain,” which is thinner, less breathable, and will not develop a patina because it has a coat applied (which on the plus side means it will not stain) and so…

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Scholarship Opportunity

Mr. Jim Grise has created a scholarship for those in the domestic service industry in the US and abroad, including yachting crew, who might be interested in attending Cornell University and earning the Executive Certificate, Leading a Culture of Service Excellence. Other industry luminaries who have contributed generously to the scholarship fund are Ms. Denise Collins of Aunt Ann’s In House Staffing and Ms. Susan Feigon of Feigon Hamilton…….

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Special Notice

On September 14, 2020, a group of ten adult students instituted a Joint Class Action in the South Africa National Consumer Commission against the South African Butler Academy Close Corporation (SABA), Butler Holdings Pty Ltd (BH), Butler Training Pty Ltd (BT), Guild Recruitment Close Corporation (GR), Mr. Newton Hilton Cross and his husband, Mr. William Adriaan Coetzer. This is the second legal action against the defendants this year following Ms. Lin Yang’s combined summons, filed in the Cape Town High Court on August 4, 2020. The ten students in the Joint Class Action come from six countries…….

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Recent Hospitality Graduates

To end the year on an optimistic note, we welcome on this occasion a group of butlers from Hulhule Holiday Island in Maldives, trained by the Insitute’s Vice President for Asia, Mr. Budi Prihardjanto.

To all of you, our best wishes for a life full with success and impressed guests!…

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In Their Words: How Those Trained by the Institute’s Trainers Feel about Their Experience

We say goodbye to 2020 with feedback from the butlers at Hulhule Holiday Island in Maldives.

“I was about to say goodbye to my hospitality career until management provided training on “modern butlers” that I was made to attend even though I was not at all interested—apart from deciding to leave the industry, I had attended butler training a couple of years ago with a famous butler trainer [SABA].  Surprisingly, Mr. Prihardjanto’s training transformed my personality as I was introduced by…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, November 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

While this month’s journal has many butler-related pieces that we hope you enjoy, there is one message that is particularly important; it may seem to be on the no-no subject of politics, but this is far from the case, for it relates to the very survival of the hard-won democratic principles and freedoms that man cobbled together over the centuries and from which we have all benefitted in the lifestyles we have chosen. In all the confusions and disruptions of 2020, it is not easy to see that we are about to lose all these benefits unless we take some action—and this has nothing to do with politics and…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

An interesting piece on the clothing styles of Jeeves and Wooster.

The story of an out-of-work, senior butler who, after 700 rejections, handed out his resume on a railway platform and was hired to pass on his “professionalism and wealth of knowledge” to hundreds of younger staff working in three restaurant chains;

It seems butlers are inspiring all sorts of professions and activities….

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Letters to the Editor

“I recently purchased your superbly detailed book, Butlers and Household Managers – 21st Century Professionals as I am due to start a new position as house manager next week and finding it most invaluable. One point I would like to make is about the trial period. As I understand via the agent, my prospective employer has spent quite a sum of money on agent commissions in the past to try and find a suitable house manager. Understandably, he is somewhat reticent about hiring someone if it doesn`t work out, so…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 42: Dinner Service

by Steven Ferry

It is encouraging that the way I was taught to provide plated and butler service [presenting food on the left for guests to help themselves] in 1986 is exactly the way it was done in 1823 and exactly the way it is being taught by the Institute (and probably other butler schools) in 2020. Butlers always serve from the left with their left hand, it being “very improper to serve from the right” unless “at some particular time you will find it necessary to set it down with your right, on the right side.” No explanation is given by the author as to why…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 61: Birthday Cake Martini

by Amer A. Vargas

Greetings, dear readers!

At the International Institute of Modern Butlers we are celebrating our 17th anniversary, and this is a wonderful occasion to see how much fun we can have with our cocktail shaker.

And because the occasion deserves it, we are preparing a delicious Birthday Cake Martini to toast to the 17 wonderful years of achievements and an even brighter future…

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My Butler Julius

by My Butler Julius

Edwin Lee was born the youngest of five children on a farm in a village called Dudlestone in Shropshire on the Welsh Border around 1880.

At an early age, Edwin decided farming was not to be his calling and, as his cousin had done, engaged in private service instead. His first post was as a page boy for a family in Lancashire, truly starting at the bottom. He was only to stay there for a year before he moved on to a large house in Derbyshire, to work in the position…

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Paying Attention to Details

by Steven Ferry

Because one image can speak a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) can attention to detail be, and be left wordless…


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Consulting the Silver Expert: Use Your Silver While You’re Cooped Up

by Jeff Herman

During this period when many of us are doing more cooking, we often look for ways to make at-home meals more special than usual. One simple way to do this is to use your silver flatware, serving pieces, and dishes regularly. An added benefit of using silver on a daily basis is that it will require little or no polishing.

After use, just hand-wash with a non-lemon-scented phosphate-free detergent, and then dry with a towel to avoid water spots. Use flatware pieces in rotation so that they…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

In his continuing quest to improve his range of techniques and offerrings for guests, Mr. Gutman was able, working with the new “Monster” clay, to simply convert/resculpt the statue on the left to the one on the right….



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Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

Welcome to a new 15-part series on leather and its proper care. Butlers and household managers have been familiar with caring for leather shoes for centuries, but to the list can be added leather belts, gloves, clothes, wallets, bags, briefcases, toiletry kits, furniture, and even car seats, none of which are treated in exactly the same way as leather shoes. In fact, not even all leather shoes are treated the same.The writer worked briefly in a tannery as a teenager to better understand leather, but one does not need to know the rather involved but time-proven way that leather is prepared, tanned…

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Scholarship Opportunity

Mr. Jim Grise has created a scholarship for those in the domestic service industry in the US and abroad, including yachting crew, who might be interested in attending Cornell University and earning the Executive Certificate, Leading a Culture of Service Excellence. Other industry luminaries who have contributed generously to the scholarship fund are Ms. Denise Collins of Aunt Ann’s In House Staffing and Ms. Susan Feigon of Feigon Hamilton…….


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Special Notice

On August 4, 2020, Ms. Lin Yang, a corporate executive from Singapore, instituted an action in the Cape Town High Court against the South Africa Butler Academy Close Corporation (SABA), Butler Holdings Pty Ltd (BH), Butler Training (BT), Guild Recruitment Close Corporation (GR), Mr. Newton Hilton Cross and his husband, Mr. Willem Adriaan Coetzer.

Ms. Yang had taken at face value misrepresentations made by the companies and Mr. Cross, who had claimed, amongst other things…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, October 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

This month we welcome a new contributor, My Butler Julius, who has something timely for us: Why butlers wear white gloves and what this may have to do with pandemics.

In the last column entitled The Butlers Speak, we say “Goodbye and many thanks” to the butlers, household managers, and estate(s) managers who have contributed each month over the last almost four years…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

The Royal Butler cannot be used commercially by Mr. Grant Harrold, according to recent court findings. The Trademark hearing officer, Mr. Allan James, stated: “I find it inherently likely that the user of a trademark featuring the words The Royal Butler in relation to training/instruction of a butler would be assumed to be someone who holds the official title of The Royal Butler in the Royal household. The mark would therefore indicate that the user has, or recently….

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 41: Dinner Service

by Steven Ferry

When the host was carving, the butler always placed the head of a fish, rabbit, and roasting pig pointing to the left of the carver, and for all birds, pointing to the right—unless it were stuffed, in which case most carvers, being right handed, preferred the head pointing to the left, etc.—with different instructions given for other cuts of venison, mutton, and hams. In all, it was a matter of knowing the carver’s preference and accommodating that. Another point of detail: Carving boards often had channels…

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The Butlers Speak

by Steven Ferry

So finally, The Butlers Speak series comes to a close. The first issue was January 2017 and each month a different aspect of life as a butler or estates manager was covered.

Maybe one day, these luminaries will be quoted just as we are quoting the world of the butler two centuries ago in the ongoing MBJ column, The Wisdom of Butlers Past.

Now that the work is done and no statement can be linked to any butler…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 60: Nutty Apple Martini

by Amer A. Vargas

Happy October, dear readers!

Fall is already here in the Northern hemisphere, and this month we are paying tribute to the season of rain and yellow and brown leaves, a perfect time for quiet, cozy afternoons snuggled under a warming blanket.

On such an occasion I propose that you could indulge yourselves with a Nutty Apple Martini, a delicious cocktail with a beautiful mix of nutty aromas…

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Tea Notes: Would You Like some Plastic with your Tea, Ma’am?

by Monica Ferry

Plastic teabags? Amazing though it may seem, they really do exist. It appears that over the years, tea companies around the world have started replacing those little paper bags that were once used to present us with sufficient tea for a single cup, with bags made of a type of plastic, or bags that use plastic components. The idea was to add plastic to the paper in an effort to strengthen the bags, or in some cases to glue them shut, or even to take the place of the whole paper bag…

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My Butler Julius

by My Butler Julius

One of the most iconic images of a butler is a figure in a tailcoat wearing a pair of white gloves but how did this come about? Traditionally in Victorian times, only footmen would wear white gloves whilst doing table service. It was deemed their hands where not as clean as the butler’s and also, they would be carrying the hot trays so the gloves would act as protection from the heat. Another reason the butler would not wear gloves at the table was, whilst pouring the wine, the decanter or bottle could be slippery and if…

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Paying Attention to Details

by Steven Ferry

Because one image can speak a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) can attention to detail be, and be left wordless…


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Consulting the Silver Expert: Tarnish Removal When in a Hurry

by Jeff Herman

If company is on the way and you don’t have time to read the entire Care of Silver guide, use the following instructions (steps I personally use most often).

  1. Wax porous attachments like wooden handles and ivory insulators prior to cleaning;
  2. Rinse the object under warm running water assisted…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

This clay figure of an Amazonian warrior represents the continued drive to master the world of sculpting in order to provide works in a variety of media that wow guests. Professionalism is a hallmark of butlers, and while Mr. Gutman has already developed considerable skills, he knows that professionals become so by continued study and practice. He says of this particular sculpture, which is made of clay but will not be cast or shared with guests, “It is 100% original, I even designed the clothes, shoes, etc. I’m very happy….

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Scholarship Opportunity

Mr. Jim Grise has created a scholarship for those in the domestic service industry in the US and abroad, including yachting crew, who might be interested in attending Cornell University and earning the Executive Certificate, Leading a Culture of Service Excellence. Other industry luminaries who have contributed generously to the scholarship fund are Ms. Denise Collins of Aunt Ann’s In House Staffing and Ms. Susan Feigon of Feigon Hamilton…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, September 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

Many butlers in private service are still employed and there is evidence that the demand for staff may be picking up somewhat in a few areas, like the US. Other countries, such as England, are apparently seeing some slack, but the private sector, by virtue of its inherent wealth, is the least likely to be adversely affected with unemployment for our profession. In hospitality, however, it is a different story: Although some hotel and resort butlers are still employed, many around the world are finding themselves out of work and…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

An interesting webinar is being hosted by The English Manner on September 10.

An article covers how hotels offering butler service can be leveraged for those concerned about social distancing and viral concerns


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Letters to the Editor

“Excellent response to the “conspiracy theory” commentator. The three articles were interesting and valuable reads for sure. I always enjoy your newsletter, BTW.” RP

“Thank you for this article, all very well stated. The prospect of actually catching the virus is less stressful than navigating through all the agendas every day. Hopefully, this works itself out soon, with sensible solutions that allow adults the option…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 40: Dinner Service

by Steven Ferry

When serving, the butler would remain in the dining room all the time, positioning himself in front of the sideboard, a yard behind and slightly to the left of the person at the bottom of the table, so he had a clean view of the entire table and when a guest might need servicing. He did not wait to be asked for something but anticipated needs. “Be deaf to all the conversations of the company, and attentive only to their wants.” Here are some 1823 body language basics for butlers and footmen while serving…

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The Butlers Speak: Principal Travel

by Steven Ferry

And so we come to the final topic of these surveys of our profession: Principal travel.

When your employers traveled, where did they go and what did they do?

“My previous employers traveled extensively for leisure; my current employer traveled globally mostly for business before the Covid lockdowns.”…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 59: Autumn Cocktail

by Amer A. Vargas

As Fall is about to arrive, I would like to devote this month’s cocktail to the beauty of that season. On this occasion, we present the Autumn Cocktail, as concocted by its creator, Simon Difford, Founder and CEO of world famous, Difford’s Guide, a must-have for any cocktail connoisseur and lover.

This cocktail is really quite simple to make, although it takes some additional work compared to more traditional cocktails. The reason for this is that a fresh Passion Fruit is used, as well as some freshly pressed apple juice…

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Consulting the Silver Expert: Removing Labels

by Jeff Herman

If you just purchased a metal object with a label that won’t peel off cleanly, buy some inexpensive 100% orange essential oil. If you have skin sensitivities, wear nitrile gloves for this procedure. Apply enough orange oil to cover the entire label; you can apply it directly to the label or use a cotton ball or makeup pad. Wait five minutes and the label should come off easily. If adhesive residue remains, wipe it away with additional oil, wipe the piece with a soft cloth, and then use glass cleaner to remove any remaining…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Following up on the mold made last month of a relief of a flamenco dancer, the presented mold was then used to make a chocolate figurine which was sprinkled with gold dust and presented to a young lady for her birthday, to joyous acclaim by said young lady and the rest of those at her table. Talk about creating good effects simply!

And here is another fondant cake, this one made to celebrate the birthday of a fan of the Chicago Cubs team….

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Placement and Job Vacancies: Live-in Personal & Family Assistant Wanted

An upbeat, proactive, productive, and hands-on individual who pays attention to details and can turn his or her hand to many different skillsets that assist the employer in running three large estates in Canada, US, and Europe, and traveling between these together with the active and upbeat Family members. The ideal candidate needs to be a citizen of one of these countries/regions.

This is not a formal or 9-5 household, there no finite job description…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, August 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

The many positive responses to the three revealing articles on the collapse of global economies because of the mishandling of the virus has been very encouraging. The two individuals who did not appreciate the information provided an interesting view of those who support the current handlings: One wrote at considerable length about how bad the US President is—whereas the articles were about the pandemic, not the US presidency. The other, whose email I regret I cannot find to reply to him personally, said that while he had been following the Institute for years…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

Buckingham Palace has ordered one of its many ex-Butlers to stop using the word “Royal” in referring to himself or his school. There seemed to have been an understanding at first, but the attempt to trademark the name was seen as an encroachment on the brand of the Royals and a step too far, particularly given the refusal by the palace to allow Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to use the word for commercial purposes.Another ex-royal butler has continued his tradition of violating the basic standard of butlers by expressing opinions in the media about the personalities

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Letters to the Editor

“Very, very interesting read. Can you pls suggest guidelines or a possible Covid 19 Manual for the daily housekeeping / F&B within a private residence? Ms. J.

Ed: Thanks for reaching out. One obviously has to follow the laws of the land and region, but the whole point about this virus is that it is not appreciably different from any other virus or germ, and is susceptible to normal hygiene and cleaning procedures followed by disinfecting with a hydrogen peroxide spray (or bleach, but that smells)

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 39: Dinner Service

by Steven Ferry

The butler was responsible for warming the plates in an enclosed plate warmer that was transportable to the dining room—unless there was a fire in the dining room that he could use to warm the plates. In either case, he had to remember to dust the plates before use.Bread was placed before the arrival of guests, as well as any cold first course.The soup tureen was placed at the bottom of the table, soup bowls to the left of the person who was ladeling, and he then gave the plates to the butler to distribute.The placement of covered serving-dishes with food had to be precisely in line and at a…

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The Butlers Speak: Assisting with Employer Sports Equipment and Activities

by Steven Ferry

Most butlers and estate managers do not particularly appear to be engaged in these areas of the lives of their employers, but two who have been, offered the following responses to the questions asked:

Have you serviced employers and/or family who were active in sports?

“Yes. Children sports (high school or younger). College age young adults usually live on campus, so for them it’s more in quarterly increments. High school kids are pretty…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 58: Drink-n-Fruit

by Amer A. Vargas

With summer reaching its high temperatures in the northern hemisphere it is probably wise to reduce alcohol consumption to keep our bodies as hydrated as we can. So, in this month’s cocktail article I propose a very natural “brew for all ages”, if you can call it that, which provides double hydration, both by the liquid ingredient (still or sparkling water, or soda) and the solid ingredients: fruits of all sorts. And the best part of this drink is, it is very easy to personalize as long as one knows the drinker’s favorites fruits. Preparation for this cocktail is very simple: all ingredients should be cold…

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Consulting the Silver Expert: Metal Toxicity

by Jeff Herman

There are two metals to be aware of when eating, drinking, or dispensing from a silverplated object. The easiest method for determining if plating has been removed is to hold a piece of glossy white paper next to the piece; you should see a color difference.


Most silverplated flatware has a nickel base metal. If you see this metal because of over polishing, discontinue use and have it replated…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Whether helping the chef decorate cakes with Disney figures made of fondant that will excite young guests or creating a statue or relief that hits the spot for older guests, Mr. Gutman continues to expand both his skills and his following, and bringing smiles all round!…


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Placement and Job Vacancies: Butler/Estate Manager

For staffed estate in Las Vegas with another to be developed in Los Angeles. Usual duties and remuneration package, 75-150K DOE. More information will be provided if you are interested and able to move. Contact the Institute for more details; include your current CV/resume and a photograph of yourself…


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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, July 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

As promised, the first part of a 3-part series on the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns that have completely undermined our lives and economies has been published. It explains what has been going on and why, and by the third part, empowers the reader to do something effective to end the pain. Parts II and III will be published on 2 and 9 July. Anyone wanting their own copies of the 50-page report, with 300+ links, is welcome to contact us directly and will be sent it on 9 July, or you can look on our website on 16 July, when the report will be posted in full…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

There were two mentions of butlers-of-sorts in the media this past month: 1. Butlers being provided to single room hotels with no walls or ceilings, on a Swiss mountain side. “Each room gets Modern Butler service, the project’s title for a butler that’s actually someone who lives nearby and can serve as an expert on the surrounding region. (In addition to serving you a drink in bed and bringing along some food.) “The Modern Butlers are members of the local communities and most of the room night fee is used to pay their salary.” 2. London-based Butler & Footman launching to provide an English version of America’s Hello Alfred, taking care of domestic and personal chores for busy executives

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Letters to the Editor

“Congratulations on the newsletter, very well worded intro letter and the new format looks great. Good to see you keeping at the forefront. PS

“The Butler is a profession to be respected, but, the Butler should respect another profession… that of the lawyer who should review the employment contract prior to accepting the position. As an attorney for 39 years, I can attest that the best time to discover your boss is [less-than-desirable], is before you start working for him.” WM

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 38: Dinner Service and Toasts

by Steven Ferry

Dinner service was quite similar to today, but with some key differences. The lack of electricity meant candles and lamps needed to be lit and positioned to illuminate the narrow corridors and stairways used to carry food and dishes between kitchen and dining room. If not done, accidents and breakage often resulted. What drinks were served typically? Beer, ginger beer, porter [short for porter’s beer, a heavy, dark-brown beer brewed from charred malt], soda water, and spring water, making sure the ginger beer was kept cool or it would “fly about” when opened, including onto guests. Toast was also…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 57: Frozen Blue Chi Chi

by Amer A. Vargas

While the sun heats up most of the corners of the northern hemisphere, this might be a great time to have fun creating a cocktail that’s not only fresh and tasty, as always, but also allows for slightly different variations by playing with the ingredients. On this occasion, we draw on a concoction suggested by cocktail lovers from, a publication we introduced in March last year when I wrote about the Red Carpet cocktail, honoring the Oscar Awards with a brew mixing vodka, Campari, pomegranate schnapps and juice. If you want to revisit that article, be sure to click here

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Consulting the Silver Expert: Some Random Questions and Answers

by Jeff Herman

Q: Can I use my plated meat-tray to cook chicken or beef in the oven?

A: I wouldn’t put any silver plate in the oven. Some objects may contain low-melting lead alloy parts (e.g. handles, applied rims, etc.) that may melt if the heat goes above 250 degrees. Additionally, you wouldn’t want to use an abrasive pad to remove food that was baked onto the piece. I would advise cooking only in oven-safe materials, then placing what was baked in the silver-plated piece…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Another sculpture by the butler who makes good use of his Covid-19 downtime to wow the guests he does have: Here is a bust in which he has captured in the sculptor’s clay that elusive “life” factor in the “clay” of the physical body—a wounded emotion of trepidation, perhaps, signaling through the slightly downcast body language. The mark of a true artist is the ability to bring their subject to life and encourage contributions from the audience…

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Placement and Job Vacancies: Full-time Housekeeper for Houston Area

A full-time housekeeper is being sought for the quiet household of a couple in the Houston area. The property is located on 4.5 acres inside a gated community. The home is two stories, 4,500 sq ft. Your duties include cleaning and maintaining all inside areas on a daily basis as well as the back patio and the pool area. The upstairs floor is not used frequently, mostly during holidays when family visits. 2 large dogs are part of the family and you will look after them when family members are absent. Cooking skills would be a plus….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.


The Modern Butlers’ Journal, June 2020

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

The Institute is happy to participate in International Butlers’ Day as a way of forwarding the profession’s image the world over and of allowing us all the opportunity to celebrate the profession and occasion in different ways. Ms. Josephine Ive of Magnum’s Academy in Australia came up with the idea. #internationalbutlersday

On a different subject, as much as we are probably all fed up with hearing about this pandemic, it is something that is still very much front and center in…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

There was little in the media about butlers this past month, other than a couple of butlers talking about their ex-employers and guests….

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Letters to the Editor

“I very much agree with all you have written. It will be very interesting to hear & read from all—including governments, pharmaceutical, & tech companies, what will be said & hopefully learned with hindsight from this sorry state of affairs.” RS. Ed: Agreed—we definitely need to learn the right lessons from this experience.

“A very timely and informative article and true in my estimation!”

“Regarding your editorial in the Modern Butler’s Journal dated May 1, I thought you were 100% correct.  A mentor once told me to be doubly aware of the difference…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 37: The Sideboard

by Steven Ferry

The side-table had its own particular function, where the plates, food, and sharper silverware are placed, … the items to be used first being placed at the front. Mis-en-place included having d’Oyleys [Doilies], and dessert knives, forks and spoons placed on the dessert plates, rather than having the silverware placed already on the table, as is done by butlers these days. Various options are given that might not apply today, but the following basic words of advice apply just as much then as now: “Whether you have a few or many at any time to dinner, make it a matter of thought how you…

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The Butlers Speak: Vacations and Time Off/Schedule

by Steven Ferry

Vacation and holidays granted by employers vary from generous to positively mediaeval.

“Currently I receive 5 weeks of paid vacation and 8 paid holidays.”

“I have had 6 employers in a 40-year career, so vacation and holidays have varied, in part because Federal laws have been changing. I am supposed to have three weeks off this coming year (starting my seventh year), but still cannot get my second week off (in practice). I have been made to take my vacation days for week two, one day at a time…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 56: Whiskey Sour (and Variations)

by Amer A. Vargas

Welcome again to the fascinating and diverse world of cocktails.

On this occasion, we devote our article to a century-and-a-half old cocktail that is never out of fashion. A few months back we published the Thyme Will Tell recipe, a variation of the original Whiskey Sour we are revisiting today.

Interestingly enough, the Whiskey Sour was first mixed during the second half of the nineteenth century and published in El Comercio de Iquique, a Peruvian…

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Consulting the Silver Expert: Some Random Questions and Answers

by Jeff Herman

Q: Can I use powdered chalk and water to polish silver?

A: The short answer is that it’s not recommended. Modern-day chalk is made with either calcium carbonate or calcium sulfate. There are different grades of both of these materials. Only laboratory-grade calcium carbonate is recommended; anything else is much too abrasive for your silver. Normally, the calcium carbonate is combined with denatured alcohol and worked into a slurry. The slurry is then applied with a moist cellulose sponge…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Whether you are in private service or in hospitality, or any other field where you look after others, family members included, there is every reason to acquire skills that bring a smile to the faces of others.

Mr. Gutman recognized that in the tradition of turndown gifts, there was room for some creativity to add to the turndown experience of his hotel guests, and so he started simple by carving fruits—which we have shown in earlier MBJ editions—that were themed according to guest interests. These were a great hit, so he researched and practiced and improved, branching out into making molds that…

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.