Narrowing in on and Fixing Weaknesses
Almost all employees try their hardest to do well. Sometimes they have the benefit of some training; or are trained according to a system that may not align with your desired style of service; or they may have the theory down, but be short on the application.
With such handicaps, employees tend over time to make mistakes, sometimes costly ones, go downhill morale-wise, and eventually seek transfer, or are asked to leave—which then involves the costs and lost time of finding and grooving in replacements that may or may not go the same way.
Some employers will not bother with such employees. Those who try to fix the problem usually resort to continuing education that tends to be one-size-fits-all, rather than quality control of an individual to improve on specific weaknesses or to find out why they are not measuring up to what is required.
The kinder, more economical and less disruptive/aggravating course of action is to protect one’s investment, to keep employees winning by finding and eradicating areas of weakness so they can demonstrate competence in everything they are called upon to do. Then everybody wins.
E-mail the Institute to find out more about quality control services for your employees.
Mystery Guest Program for Hospitality
Not sure how employees are actually servicing guests?
Guest complaints and feedback are one barometer, but Mystery Guest visits allow proactive management that can keep the guest experience and word of mouth positive and occupancy levels high.
The Institute applies the unique butler perspective of superior service to the observation and analysis of service levels in order to highlight trouble spots and individuals (as well as strengths) and identify underlying causes and trends so intelligent action can be taken.
E-mail the Institute to find out more about Mystery Guest Program services for your employees.