Consulting the Silver Expert
A Big “Thank You!”
We would like to thank Mr. Herman for his years of contributions to the MBJ, sharing his know-how and skills in all matters silver. The subject is large but not infinite, and so it is time to acknowledge that all possible angles and subjects have by now been covered.
Unless anyone has any questions still unanswered about how to maintain silver or anything else related to the subject, then it is time to say “Goodbye, and thank you, Mr. Herman.” May you continue to bring clarity and expert service to your customers and those butlers and others who want their silver to continue to give joy for generation after generation.
Mr. Herman continues to offer his services for any questions or needs you may have about the care of silver. Either contact him at (800) 339-0417 (USA) or via email: jeff @
The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world.