Message from the Chairman
by Steven Ferry
It is encouraging to see butler schools busy with on-line and in-person assignments as well as placement requests, and the butler world, whether in private service or hospitality, slowly starting to come back to life again.
It is also very encouraging to see the principals of many butler schools coming together to set the standards for butler training so that those who put their trust in the butler training profession are enabled…
Butlers in the Media
by Steven Ferry
A quiet month for butlers in the media, with just one billing of a “Book Butler” who delivers books selected from a menu by hotel guests….
Letters to the Editor
“Good morning, what a fun day when the newsletter arrives, it always includes fantastic information. Thank you for keeping the reading public abreast of all the good and not so good (SABA) literature. In actuality, I love a whistleblower who has the courage and integrity to stand for many people in a similar situation. Your new photograph as well as your beautiful wife are a really pleasant addition. The newsletter is one of my favorite things to read. It always delivers knowledge, humor, and I always learn something new. What a talented group of professionals!…
The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 46: Professional Events Require Trained and Drilled Staff
by Steven Ferry
Another area of trouble was lack of training and drilling, the example given starting with an uneducated butler being assisted by uneducated waiters drawn from the stable hands and the hall boy, as well as two experienced footmen attached to the guests but who were not shown the ropes before the dinner started. All this in order to provide a good ratio of waiters to guests (in the example given, 6 staff for 14 guests).
The answer to such was to know the skills of each helper ahead of time and to show them the ropes as much as possible…
Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 65: Cherry Blossom Cocktail
by Amer A. Vargas
Spring is around the corner (in the Northern hemisphere, of course)!
The snow and rainy season is about to finish and the new season will bring us the full beauty of mother nature’s colors with all her blossoming trees, plants and flowers… Isn’t that a good reason to celebrate?
So why not welcome Spring with a cocktail that evokes the season?…
My Butler Julius: Being of Service
by My Butler Julius
Some of us come to this wonderful profession of butler late in life and some much earlier, entering through different routes such as a butler school or working in a hotel. The one common factor we all share is the wish to be of service. Being a butler can involve personal sacrifice—I have no doubt all of us can recall numerous times we have missed family gatherings and anniversaries in order to service our principals and their guests. We take this in our stride because our reward comes in the satisfaction of knowing we…
Paying Attention to Details
Because one image can say more than a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) someone’s attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…
Care of Leather Goods, Part 5: Different Kinds of Polishes
by Steven Ferry
Wax is the most common polish for shoes and allows a shine to be created while adding layers that increase the leather’s water resistance; it also adds a small amount of moisture that helps keep the leather supple and free from cracks to some extent.
To ensure the leather is conditioned with sufficient moisture, especially in dry climates or where leathers are used often, apply creams (i.e. Meltonian, Kelley’s, Moneysworth & Best)…
Special Notice: SABA
An unseemly public spectacle is unfolding between the South African Butler Academy (SABA) and many of its graduates and ex-students which, as more information keeps appearing, is sufficiently egregious that the butler training community is sitting up in alarm, as letters to this editor continue to make plain.
It is worth pointing out that SABA is confusing the issue by lashing out at third parties who dare question their actions, statements, or status…….
Scholarship Update
We are happy to report that the lady who was awarded a partial scholarship as organized by Mr. Jim Grise and supported by several people in the domestic services industry, has already started on the course. In her own words:
“The course is going well—I am enjoying the content and the first module completion date is the 23rd of February…….
Placement and Job Vacancies: Temporary Butler Assignment
The assignment is for 12-20 March on the Big Island of Hawaii. Friendly, not formal service required for a family of 4; a top chef is also being flown in and a butler is needed to help serve about 10 meals total during this time period, as the family will not spend much time at the house. $3,500 USD, plus ticket and nice accommodations provided. Potential for multiple further assignments with the same client…….
Creative Corner
featuring Kobi Gutman
In the continued quest to perfect his offerings to guests, Mr. Gutman presents a horse this month. As he says, “You have to make a horse every now and then, you know! I’ll try to cast this one. The last two horses I tried to cast didn’t work out that well, so crossing fingers.”
A few days later, he sent photographs of the cast—a success!
This is a butler with zero background in sculpting who, if you compare…
The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.
Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.