
The Modern Butlers’ Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, December, 2011

BlueLogo2011web The Modern Butlers Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, October, 2011

The Modern Butlers’ Journal volume 7, issue 11

 International Institute of Modern Butlers


Message from the Chairman

I estimate an individual or family with a net value of twenty million USD or less would be too unhappy with the percentage of that value being used to employ a butler skilled in estate, asset, and personnel management, to feel emboldened to do so.

In these days, therefore, of the diminishing mass affluent and the increasing wealth of the 1% we have been hearing about of late, one question of interest to our profession might be, “Exactly how many individuals or families have it within their financial means to employ us?”

For the only guessed-at number of butlers around the world, the answer is encouraging: 185,000 individuals and families boast (usually discreetly) a net worth of at least 30 million USD (for a total of 25 trillion USD under their control).

63,000 are based in the US, 54,000 in Europe, 42,000 in Asia Pacific, and 15,000 in Latin America—with the Asia Pacific group expected to be the most numerous within two decades. Of these families, over 4,600 are worth 500 million USD and up, and 1,235 are billionaires.

Whatever fanciful numbers have been bandied about concerning the numbers of butlers and household managers in private service, they come nowhere even vaguely close to the numbers of employers who could employ them.

Given that people of wealth for the most part want others to run their estates, the only conclusion one can draw is that the vast majority of the wealthy could benefit from an understanding of the value to them of butlers and estate managers in enabling them to enjoy the freedoms (and hopefully responsibilities) that come with great wealth.

And whose job is it to spread the word other than those in our profession? Whether by example, good media mentions, and campaigning to agencies and PAs, or whatever other means.

May those at the Institute wish you a happy holiday season and a most successful year ahead.

Steven Ferry


Letters to the Editor

Thanks for the Journal. Have you ever come across a butler’s thumb? Are there any available these days? John Ford, Australia

Thanks for the query about butler’s thumbs. If you are a butler, then you have two of them, one on each hand, unless an accident has resulted in one or more thumbs becoming unhappily separated and beyond repair. Most references to a “butler’s thumb” seem to be suppositions made from a passage in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby: “Every Friday night five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York – every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves. There was a machine in the kitchen which could extract the juice of two hundred oranges in half an hour if a little button was pressed two hundred times by a butler’s thumb.”  The device referred to is not some implement, but simply the thumb of a butler being used to switch on a machine. However, there is such a thing as a butler’s thumb meaning more than the unadorned thumb of a butler: English butlers of old had darkened thumbs from polishing silver with their thumbs using a jeweller’s rouge mixed with ammonia, thereby imparting a bluish patina to the silver. Their thumbs would blister initially and then harden and darken. Obviously, butlers and underbutlers with darkened thumbs or hands (“plate hands” were similarly acquired when engaging more than the thumb in the polishing) could walk tall, like the soldiers in the novel, The Red Badge of Courage.    The Editor

Re the Butler’s Thumb, a friend of mine has a silver one, like a thimble, which she had attached to a silver chain and used as a piece of jewelry. When I asked what it was, it looked so lovely, she said it was a ‘Butler’s Thumb.’  I have been trying to get one for years now, without any success.  She told me it was used so that the thumb would not get in the soup when being served.
It is probably true that nowadays the soup bowl is not filled up far enough. All the best and many thanks,  John Ford 

That does ring a bell, thank you, John. A useful piece in its time, no doubt, and a curiosity today (obviously too rare!) I hope you find one. In fact, I’ll put out a call for anyone who might have one or seen one, or know where to find one. Does anyone? The Editor


Is there any groom, stable hand, or consultant within the Institute’s membership who has knowledge of cleaning tack—specifically saddles and their parts? I have made a good job of an old saddle but it still has a bit of a dusty/slightly moldy smell. I have used a Coca Cola dip on the buckles, which works sometimes, but these are badly rusted—even the Maas products don’t make much headway. My questions are:

1.  What is the best type of cloth to use?

2.  Should you clean the dust and dirt off with some other product, prior to using the saddle soap?

3.  What is the best product to use on rusty buckles?

4.  What product should be used underneath the saddle?

5.  Should it be conditioned with mink oil, after using saddle soap?

6.  Can you use shoe polish to cover scuffs, and then saddle soap?                 NG, Virginia

 Editor: Please respond so we can hook you up with NG, one of our members

Butlers in the News

As reported in that—by-comparison-with-TheNews-of-the-World—respectable tabloid (forgive the oxymoron), The Daily Mail, a butler’s reported mildly intemperate and certainly ill-worded e-mail has resulted in his billionaire employer being sued by two of his former maids for presumably more than a few pennies for “racial discrimination.” What did the butler do?  “When one of them sent an email to the oil tycoon’s butler at the property, the butler is said to have replied: ‘Sorry new directions . . . No Philippine since today.’ ” Ouch! That may or may not have been the employer’s instructions, but what is a butler if he does not translate an employer’s sometimes hastily and even injudiciously stated pronouncements into something that is palatable to the recipient, thereby protecting his employer’s reputation, not to mention, in these litigatious times, his pocketbook? And what is a butler if he does not consider the dignity and feelings of those who have applied for positions and have to be told they did not make the cut? Whether a poorly worded email is grounds for a court case, and whether an individual has a right to decide whom he wants to have working in his house based on whatever tortuous or ill-considered logic or lack of it, are other matters, entirely. Any comments?

The Butler’s Guide to Tea

The final article on the subject of tea, by Frank Mitchell

The Clipper Ships

Any series on tea would not be complete without mentioning the fabulous tea clipper ships. The clippers were built for speed as the first tea of the season to be landed in London fetched the best price at auction. The design of the fast clippers culminated with the extreme clippers whose speed in a favourable trade winds allowed them to compete with the newer steamships. It was only when the Suez canal opened that they were truly rendered obsolete.

The design had a realitvely short heydey between the launch of the first clipper, ‘Scottish Maid’ in 1839 and the decline of commercial sailing in the 1890’s.

The Thermopylae

Launched in 1868, the Thermopylae was one of a series of vessels built in Aberdeen by the firm of Walter Hood for the local White Star Line of George Thompson & Co. Technically an ‘extreme composite clipper’ designed by Bernard Waymouth, she was registered at 991 tons and had a wooden hull over an iron frame. While ships with iron hulls were already in service, iron was considered detrimental to tea and the heavier iron hulls could never compete against the wooden hulls in a light breeze.

Best known as a tea clipper, the Thermopylae also took part in the wool and coal trade.  On her maiden voyage from the Thames, Thermopylae sailed to Melbourne, Shanghai and Foo Chow. She broke records on each leg of the journey and set a record of 63 days for the passage. She continued to set records during her years of service, a list of which can be found here;

Basil Lubbock’s book ‘The China Clippers’ (1914, James Brown & Sons, Glasgow) mentions an encounter with HMS Charybdis as the two ships passed Port Phillip Heads: ‘Both vessels crowded sail on the same course, but as soon as Thermopylae had her canvas set she began to draw rapidly away from the warship, in spite of all the latter’s efforts to stay with her. At last, when the Thermopylae had conclusively proved her superiority, the captain of the Charybdis could not restrain his admiration, and hoisted the following signal in the Mercantile Code as he rapidly dropped astern: “Good bye. You are too much for us. You are the finest model of a ship I ever saw. It does my heart good to look at you.” ‘

Even after being sold to a Canadian company in 1893 and having her rigging cut down to that of a barque, she still set a record of 29 days for the pacific crossing. Once, she kept pace with the 16-knot steam liner “Empress of India” for three days.

She eventually became a training vessel for the Portuguese navy and was renamed the Pedro Nunes. Later she was used as a hulk before being ceremonially sunk in 1909 with flags flying and the Queen of Portugal present.

The Cutty Sark

Built at Dumbarton for John Willis and launched in 1869, she was intended to compete with the Thermopylae. By far the most powerful clipper ever built at 921 tons.

The friendly rivalry between the Cutty Sark and the Thermopylae started the very next year. The Thermopylae bested the Cutty Sark in 1870 and 1871. In 1872, the Cutty Sark had a 400 mile lead when she lost her rudder and had to make temporary repairs. She still arrived in London only a week behind the Thermopylae. Not until 1876 did she make the best time, only to be beaten yet again the following year by the Thermopylae. She never broke any records in the tea trade, but did break the Thermopylae’s records on some legs and once sailed from Sydney to London in 73 days, a week better than Thermopylae’s best time for this voyage.

She survives in dry dock in Greenwhich to this day. Despite suffering fire damage during recent renovations, she is expected to be open to visitors again during 2012.


Let’s talk about wine


 A new series by Amer Vargas  



Welcome to the first article of a series of writings about wine, the drink between the other drinks offered of an evening, famous the world over for enamoring all those who are interested in maximizing their gastronomical experiences; for raising in toast to celebrate some sparkling occasion with a sparkling wine;  and, in many parts of the world, for sharing good moments with friends.

Why do we call it Wine?

But let us start from the beginning: from where does wine derive its name? The current word comes from the earlier stages of Germanic languages (mother to English, Danish, Swedish, and Dutch languages, among others), winam, itself borrowed from the Latin vinum, which came from the Indo-European languages. Another theory goes further and links the origin of the word with the Sanskrit (Indo-European) vana, meaning “love,” which later led to the word Venus (Roman Goddess of Love), so connecting wine with its reputed aphrodisiac quality.

There is evidence of wine production about 8.000 years ago in the areas where Indo-European languages where spoken, over the current countries of Georgia, Iran and Armenia, from where the drink began its expansion to the rest of the (known) world 1,000 years before our current modern era.

 Stop with the geek stuff… I want to make my own wine!

How is wine made? The best known wine nowadays comes from the juice of grapes, but it can also be made out of other fruits, like apples or berries.

To produce red wine, vintners (wine makers) use red or black grapes. The fruit is first crushed and allowed to undergo alcoholic fermentation while in contact with grape skins, seeds and sometimes, even the stalks. The juice that results after crushing the grapes is rather colorless (as is the pulp of most grape varieties) and red wine obtains its color from the pigments present in the red grape skins: the longer the juice is in contact with them, the more color transfer there will be. Tannins and other characteristics of red wines similarly derive from the contact of the juice with the skins.


White wine, on the other hand, is made by crushing or pressing any  grape and not allowing it to remain in contact with the grape skins during fermentation.

When producing rosé wines, vintners most commonly use red grapes and allow the juice to remain in contact with the skins for a short time before having it ferment as white wines.

So, what is alcoholic fermentation? It’s a process by which the sugars of the grape juice are transformed into alcohol by yeasts found naturally in the skins of grapes. In the case of whites and rosés, since there is little exposure of the juice to the skins, vintners add a controlled amount of cultured yeasts to achieve the desired level of fermentation.


After the fermentation, the wine can then mature, meaning age so different “tastes” can develop. This stage can be accomplished in different containers, all of which will have an impact on the final wine.

In both the fermentation and the maturation, the material of the container is important, as well as its size, as well as the temperature of the juice during the processes.

Got it! What grapes do I buy?

The kind of grape used to make the juice that will become the wine is as important as the fermentation and the maturation are and includes one or more varieties of the European species Vitis vinifera, such as Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, etc. There are over 300 different varietals, as these varieties are called, and very often two or more of them are combined to give different characters to the final drink.

 Stay connected as we delve deeper into this fascinating subject in next month’s journal, when we will focus on wine production.


The Giving Tree

a book review by Jim Grise of New York City

Rarely do either a celebrity or a tattoo catch my attention, but closer inspection was prompted when I saw Ryan Gosling sporting a tattoo on his left shoulder of  The Giving Tree, a popular children’s book by Shel Silverstein that has garnered its share of both accolades and controversy since being published by HarperCollins almost half-a-century ago. Considering our positions as butlers and other service providers, the book is worthy of contemplation, especially as we enter the season of giving, for while The Giving Tree seductively requires  only a few minutes to read, it invites a lifetime of reflection on the nature of service.

In short, the tale follows a boy whose needs are most graciously and generously fulfilled by his concerned and compassionate tree. As the story quickly unfolds from childhood through later years, all possible assistance is rendered and all possible resources depleted. Yet the tree, ever the giver, manages to provide the boy with one final and remarkable service.

Endless questions abound: In any service environment, when is service fully realized—if ever? Should service expectations and provisions be limited to a service relationship, if at all? Is service toward others its own reward?  Are boundaries to service—that provided or that received—ever justified?   Who is the real benefactor of service: the receiver, or the giver?

None of these questions are easily answered, nor were they directly addressed by the author of The Giving Tree. A sequel was never produced that might have laid these questions to rest, so they continue to tease. For just as with the tattoo of the tree permanently etched onto Mr. Gosling’s shoulder, this story will remain with us to explore for a very long time.

Happy Holidays during this season of giving,


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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and skills of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resort,  spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts, & cruise ships


The Modern Butlers’ Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, November, 2011

BlueLogo2011web The Modern Butlers Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, October, 2011

The Modern Butlers’ Journal volume 7, issue 10

 International Institute of Modern Butlers


Message from the Chairman

The struggle to stay on top of technology that constantly shifts the goal posts is not something our predecessors had to contend with too much. Not to say that change is wrong, or that having lots to do is wrong, but in the darker moments where the technology seems sufficiently confusing to be gaining the upper hand, it might help to remember that technology is not necessarily the superior beast one might conceive it. Take the email I received from Facebook, stating that an email Facebook had sent me, “was determined by the Spam Blocker to be spam based on a score of 7.4 where anything above 3.5 is spam.” Facebook included the full text of this shameless piece of spam for my viewing pleasure.

These emails between Facebook departments concerning myself as a perplexed bystander reminded me of a cartoon I found in an archive of Punch (a now-defunct English weekly focusing on humor and satire that became an institution in England between the mid-19th and mid-20th centuries) and laughed over as a child way too many years ago, in a school library where the only sound usually heard was the ticking of the grandfather clock.

Please welcome Gretchen dePillis as a new contributor, and enjoy the strange mix of news and articles relating to our profession directly or indirectly.

I, personally, am coming to the end of a long training stint at the multiple-award-winning resort Soneva Gili in the Maldives, where the crush of the modern day world and its relentless problems has fallen away, to be replaced by azure waters, spotted eagle rays and juvenile sharks swimming through the private swimming pool under my water villa; and where technology has its place in the sidelines (guests are provided with their own wireless iPADs).

Housekeeping on the way to a villa just before a storm

 Steven Ferry

Letters to the Editor

“I miss the training we had in Singapore last year: I am still using the method that you taught me and because of the certification, I obtained a position as an assistant manager in the  company. Thank you so much for the guidance.” Regards, Aein Harryzan


“I watched your YOUTUBE presentation on shoe shining today and found it interesting and well presented. Even after twenty years of military service, it seems one can learn a trick or two on shining a shoe! Thank you for the video and the service you are still providing.” Brett Jarboe

“With all due respect to the writer and with admiration for his knowledge, in my opinion this platform is not the right venue for his article [on Fukushima Daiichi]. There are uncountable sources where this could have been published and I think that Modern Butlers is not one of them. Further articles of this range will force me to reconsider my subscription, and I urge you to stay on the course of informing professionals in our field about subjects related to the profession. Kind regards, EBS.”

Editor responds: Thank you for taking the time to write of your concern about the subject matter of the latest article. I understand your desire for articles and items relating solely to matters of immediate interest to butlers.
You may be familiar with The Remains of the Day, the movie of the butler who works for a Nazi sympathizer. This brilliant (novel and) film examines the isolation of the butler totally focused on service versus his social responsibilities and how they impact his employer (and himself). In the case of Fukushima Daiichi, we have a situation that has caused alarm and concern around the world, impacting employers, their families, and butlers and employees alike to one degree or another. As such, it is of concern to butlers.
This article was written principally, however, for the hospitality industry (in several of which organs the article was published/republished), and thus of interest to the many hospitality butlers who are members of the Institute.
While most of our articles, blogs, and newsletter items relate to matters of immediate interest to butlers, such as the series of articles on cars, wines, tea, etc., I don’t believe any organ is required or expected to stay narrowly focused on the technology of a profession, and not look at the bigger picture and how it may impact the profession. For instance, an article will be forthcoming at some point on the world economy. This does not relate directly to how to be a butler, the history of the profession, etc., but I think you may agree, it directly impacts butlers and their employers, employability, etc. I hope this makes sense for you. If not, and you decide to cancel your subscription, then we’ll be sorry to lose you, but will respect your decision.”


“Congratulations on publishing this article [on Fukushima Daiichi], which is far more out-reaching that we can imagine….” Francois Martin, GSM, Sunset Marquis Hotel.

Editor responds: “Glad you like the article, and yes, hopefully it will bring encouragement to those outside the Fukushima area who might have had their spirits dampened by the event.”


“I have an unusual question. I was just notified by the Christian Dior boutique in an outlet mall here in Southern California that the corporate office will close all outlet malls in the United States except for one in New York. As a result, there is an entire store of solicitous, knowledgeable staff looking for work starting in December. They confided in me that they would investigate being a personal assistant or any type of job in the luxury industry. Would you happen to know of something in Southern California so they wouldn’t have to relocate?” GP

Editor responds: “Good on you for wanting to help these individuals—what an unfortunate situation. Regrettably, the skill-sets of a retail professional do not match closely enough those required of a PA. They are definitely cousin to, but the likelihood of finding employ in a market where PAs are looking for work is not great. Not to say that good fits cannot be found, but we are not the right organization to assist as we are more focused on the butler side than PA, and do not have any PA requests on the books currently. Maybe the readership will have suggestions?”

Butlers in the News

Little graced the media pages and pixels this last month about butlers, but one charming articlein the Royal Scotsman introduced The Final Curtsey—a book by Margaret Rhodes, a cousin of the Queen of England—which details her life in stately staffed homes during the 20th Century.

Butlers in the Movies

Gretchen dePillis attended the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival in Canada to sample some of the films being produced this year (9,995 titles and counting so far) and shared her thoughts with us. As it is often hard to know what a film is really like from the reviews in newspapers and online, we offer her comments on one film, Albert Nobbs, revolving around a butler figure. “This 2011 Irish release stars and was co-written by Glenn Close, who is  disguised as a male butler in 19th century Ireland. She encounters problems when faced with a handsome painter, who  arrives on the scene and captures the heart of ‘Albert.’  The film is based on a short story The Singular Life of Albert Nobbs by George Moore.  Other viewers seemed to like it, however, as the subject matter didn’t appeal to me, I didn’t watch it. I felt that a true butler or personal assistant should be honest and trustworthy: disguising oneself for twenty years contradicts that. If, however, you are interested in seeing the butling profession depicted on screen, then you may enjoy this 114 minute film.”

The Butler’s Guide to Tea

The last in the Tea Series will be presented in December: a piece on the elegant clippers, the most famous of which today is the Cutty Sark, even if others, such as the Thermopylae, were faster. Frank Mitchell was a wee bit too busy on assignment in Fregate Island Private to complete the writing in time for the deadline.

 Travel between continents in the 19th Century was best undertaken, for speed, by these Clipper ships, and at a price. Today, private jets cover in less than an hour what the Clippers, at their fastest clip, could manage in a whole day. Boeing has delivered 170 such jets and has 200 more on order, the top of the range being a 747-800 for $550 million, almost half of which would cover the design and construction of a state-of-the-art interior. The mechanics change, but the truths do not: those who can afford to, travel in style.

Notes from the Field

 By G.J. dePillis

I had the delightful opportunity to spend a day recently with Mr. James Tobin, a  Canadian butler residing in Toronto. Mr. Tobin is member of the International  Institute of Modern Butlers and graciously agreed to be interviewed for the Journal.


Mr. Tobin was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada and raised on a small island, called Oderin Island, off the coast of Newfoundland by his widowed mother and her parents until his mother remarried when he was 5 years of age. His family and the community eventually had to relocate, because the government didn’t provide the necessary assistance for such an isolated community.

Living in a lighthouse as a child helped shape his character, enjoying a simple life without material possessions. He was educated in a 2-room, 2-teacher school without electricity. Grades 1 through 5 sat on one side of the little schoolhouse, while grades 6 through 11 sat on the other side. The community itself only contained a couple of hundred families living off the land.

His childhood and education instilled in Mr. Tobin strong values of resourcefulness and dedication. At a young age, he learned to make the most of the resources that were available to him. He feels this provided him with a solid foundation for his present position as a butler/valet to a gentleman. A jovial man with a warm demeanor, Mr. Tobin told me: “I have learned that any dedicated person can use their natural talents, combined with formal schooling, to succeed.”

In his present position, Mr. Tobin was initially somewhat of a pioneer: his current principal was the first in his exclusive circle to employ a butler. Now that his friends see how happy he is with the services provided by Mr. Tobin, all of them want to employ a butler!

Wardrobe Management 

Our conversation touched upon wardrobe management. Of course, Mr. Tobin cares for the wardrobe of his principal, and he agreed to share some of his own best practices. When he was first engaged, he began by “de-cluttering” his principal’s wardrobe.  His principal placed his trust in him and agreed that for the first 60 days of his employment, he would wear only what Mr. Tobin selected.  This trial period proved successful and many items were pruned and donated to a deserving charity.  Since then, Mr. Tobin has packed for and planned wardrobes for his principal for numerous special occasions, as well as for travel.  He takes into consideration if his principal will be meeting people immediately after a flight, or if will he have time to change in a hotel room before the meeting. He considers such questions as:  will he be seated in the isle or near the window? How long will the flight be? How much tissue paper should be used when packing?  All these elements may seem like common sense, but as any good butler knows, common sense is often not so common — which is why being an expert butler is key to the successful presentation of his employer.

In Toronto, there are several refined men’s wear shops, such as H. Halpen, Esq. which provide men’s clothing with a European flair, including bespoke shirts (customers choosing color, collar type, regular or athletic trim fit, cuff style of button or French, and pockets or not).

The challenge of managing another’s wardrobe can be daunting.  While Mr. Tobin works mainly for his male employer, he also looks after the wardrobes of the females in the household.  He kindly shared a wardrobe tool, which he uses for the ladies in residence (see below).

For those who wish to incorporate some technology into their wardrobe management, Mr. Tobin recommends an application for the iPhone entitled Pocket Closet or TouchCloset and Stylish Girl. For those who have a computer, other wardrobe applications to investigate are Closet bank, Closet Couture, and HomyFads Clothing Organizer. Reviews can be found here.

Last but not least, Wardrobe Manager is a WiMax-enabled (25 times faster than broadband and known also as 802.16) wall-mountable display that uses RFID tags embedded in clothing to maintain a digital inventory and help track usage patterns for a specific wardrobe. Other technical product advancements in Wardrobe Management may appear on the market soon.

Mr. Tobin’s handy wardrobe management chart:

Blouse  Size
Sweater  Size
Skirt  Size
Dress  Size
Coat  Size
Glove  Size
Shoe  Size (R & L)
Hat  Size
Designer  A
Designer B
Designer C
Designer D
Designer E
Designer F
Designer H


Amer1x1inch The Modern Butlers Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, October, 2011

 Hangers & Hangers

  Part 3 of 3, by Amer Vargas

Although butlers generally don’t talk publicly about their preferences, this butler would like to act as a spokesman for his esteemed colleagues in this instance.

Wire and plastic hangers are excellent for drycleaners and for butlers that have to transport their bosses’ or clients’ articles from the dry cleaning establishment to the wardrobe, as they are light and easy to carry. This is especially true when you’re dealing with many items of clothing at the same time time. However, once the butler arrives home and in the area where these clothes are to be stored, such as the wardrobe or dressing room, he should immediately change the wire “transport” hangers to their “permanent” wooden counterparts.

Butlers like to use (as much as they can!) the best available tools. So the best choice, when you’re looking after clothing, is to use wooden suit hangers, always contoured and preferably padded. The reason is that wooden hangers are stiff and can hold a good amount of weight (such as a long, fine wool coat or a motorcyclist’s leather jacket), whilst plastic and wire hangers tend to break or loose their shape because of the weight of the garment. Also, contoured hangers keep “tops” (especially jackets) in better shape than flat hangers.

For “bottoms,” a butler would best choose hangers with clips or a clamp, as they allow a wider range of items to be hung – as opposed to the hanging bar or rod, which may create wrinkles in trousers especially when of a size greater than 34w, as the legs, when folded, generally measure more than the 16-18 inches of the bar of a standard size hanger, thus squashing the edges.

Conclusion Whenever a butler thinks quality hangers, his closets, or his employer’s closets, will be filled with wooden or padded hangers with clips or clamps.


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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and skills of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resort,  spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts, & cruise ships



The Modern Butlers’ Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, October, 2011

The Modern Butlers’ Journal volume 7, issue 9

 International Institute of Modern Butlers

Message from the Chairman

 Sorry, we keep trying to keep these newsletters short, but there is too much to talk about. Hope you enjoy this  issue.
I read in the news of something untoward happening as a result of Hurricane Irene, to a Mr. Butler from  Tuxedo in New York. What stories names tell! We do not have to go out on a limb to divine how Mr. Butler’s  family acquired its name. There are only ninety names more popular in the United States than “Butler,” making  it a rather common name despite the relatively few butlers that have existed through the ages. “Smith” is the #1  name in the U.S. in terms of frequency, perhaps because there was a smith on every corner in times gone by—  compared with a garage/gas station and pharmacy today. Maybe in a few hundred years, the “Drug” or “Gas”  families will be the #1 names!

But actually, what caught my interest more was how the town of Tuxedo earned its name. Not Tuxedo Junction, but Tuxedo, a place that a hundred years ago was one of the popular summer getaways for New York society. It also housed and still houses a chimpanzee center, one of which is reported to have presented itself at City Hall wearing a tuxedo and swinging a bamboo cane. Dog shows, horse shows, balls, the place has quite a history, none of which I am making up.

In the case of the Tuxedo, the town was not named after the garment, but the garment after the town! In 1860, the British started to wear less formal evening wear when at less formal occasions in the country, preferring a smoking jacket made of materials similar to the formal tails. The Prince of Wales invited New York millionaire, James Potter, to his Norfolk hunting estate and recommended his Saville Row tailor. Mr. Potter went to London to be fitted and brought the dinner suit back home to Tuxedo Park Club, a newly established residential country club for New York’s elite, where the jacket soon proved popular and was exported more broadly to New York society when members would dine in the City and onlookers began to associate the jacket with the club’s name.

None of which tells us where the word “Tuxedo” comes from; only that it was borrowed to describe the garment no doubt every butler has in his closet.

For that, we have to reach into the Native American language, where, possibly because the Algonquian language was not preserved in writing, we find three possible derivations: The Wolf tribe living in that area of New York was called “tuksitby its foes, meaning “round foot” because they tended to fall to the ground in surrender rather too easily. The second, more charitable version, “p’tuksit, refers to the Algonquian word for “wolf” (an animal with round feet). And the third more prosaic possibility relates to the geography of the area, “p’tuck-sepo” referring to a “bend in a river.” The Tuxedo fell victim by 1922 to the tendency to shorten in the interests of speed, giving us the “Tux.”


We have just concluded the first part of the first phase of training for a cruise line in the Bahamas and Bermuda: never knew 6,000 sq. ft. “cabins” were available. Frank is taking a break (from his superior service training of economically disadvantaged youth in South Africa) to conduct a lengthier assignment in the Seychelles; Amer is concluding training of butlers in Morocco; and Steven is in the Maldives again, working on an exciting project in a luxury chain in the Maldives.  

Interesting Links & Media Coverage

News of the gyrations of the World Bank and other bankers as they try to prevent the implosion of the European and American economies and the economic system they have created rather extravagently based on fluff instead of real production, has been flanked by a few pieces in other media about the impact of the current economic policies on the poor and rich alike.

In Mass Marketing Goes Platinum, iconclast Jim Hightower wrote an article that confirms what Elite Traveler  has been crowing over somewhat gleefully  for at least three years without break: the mass affluent as a group of employers and spenders is no more. Advertising Age, the marketing industry’s top publication, says the richest 10% of households accounts for nearly half of all consumer spending today, and the very wealthiest of these should be targetted by advertizers: the rest—any household making less than $200,000 a year—are too poor to bother with.

To this, we can add an article entitled “Economist’s Advice for the Unemployed: Become a Butler”   “According to The Economist  the planet’s wealthiest have tons of money but little time to enjoy themselves. That means a job that can’t be outsourced could trickle down to you.” Quoting Clive McGonigal’s Butler Bureau web site, the article says high salaries are waiting anyone who graduates from a butler school and “Once you have completed your training and perfected your faux British accent, a domestic staffing agency can help you find a home, since the global elite don’t bother with Craigslist…. Will we all end up working as servants on a rich person’s plantation?”

It makes interesting reading, but it is sadly lacking in research.

Of course, positions are still offered to those qualified, such as The Queen of England’s search for a trainee butler—pay not of the amounts touted in the above article, but £15,000 a year, plus free accommodation. The Queen requires someone who is “friendly, polite and of approachable disposition with the ability to be discreet and maintain confidentiality…an enthusiastic and dedicated individual, currently working within the catering and hospitality sector but looking for a new challenge.”

The job description goes on to explain: “This unique and professional role provides development and career progression opportunities for those willing to work at a number of Royal residences in the UK, where you will carry out a wide range of responsibilities from messenger and valeting duties to food and beverage service.” Duties include “the collection and delivery of tea/coffee trays, breakfast trays, and newspapers for Royal and Household purposes in an efficient and discreet manner…valeting of guests and members of the Royal Household invited to stay with the Royal Family, ensuring that clothes and uniforms are cared for to the highest standards…messenger duties when on duty at Privy Purse Door ensuring that all post, pouches, dispatch boxes and messages are delivered to Members of the Royal Family and employees in a timely manner.” September 19 was the deadline for that position.

Christopher Ely, a former Royal footman, is quoted in The Telegraph commenting on his life in service.

Lastly, a travel writer on highlighted seven luxury resorts where celebrities can go without threat of attack by paparrazzi. No argument with the resorts selected, but there are hundreds of others offering the same level of service and privacy.

Letters to the Editor

“Here’s a new breed of butler I had not heard of before: an emailed advertizement for the Aer Lingus Ancestry Package states: ‘Trace your roots with the help of a Genealogy Butler.’ Best regards,” Werner Leutert

“Firstly I have to congratulate and thank you for the updated and new version of the newsletter and website. Secondly, I have to apologise as I am feeling rather guilty not having done so before, but I took the time to review every link on you website properly and find it amazingly useful, knowledgeable and—well, I have been reading for almost two hours now. It is so comforting to be part of such a successful institute: makes me re-think my role in the industry and somehow I feel I need to become more involved—something inside me is kind of excited and wanting to move forward instead of moving on. Best Regards,” AJS 

The Butler’s Guide to Tea 

 by Frank Mitchell


High and Afternoon Teas

Now that we have our tea equipage sorted out and know how to  prepare a good pot, we need to plan our afternoon tea. On many assignments I have come across hotels serving  an afternoon tea, but promoting it as a high tea. Quite a few chefs that I have worked with in the past have liked  this term so much that I have been unable to dissuade them from using it to refer to an afternoon tea. On more than one occasion this has resulted in a guest complaint, so it is best to get it right.

High Tea is served at a dining table, literally the high table it is named for. Also called a ‘meat tea’, it is an early supper traditionally had by the working classes and should include hearty meat dishes served at a table set with a knife and fork. Clearly canapés do not ‘meat’ this requirement!

Low tea is the tea ‘invented’ by Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford to alleviate the sinking feeling she experienced in the afternoon mid-way between lunch and a fashionably late dinner. Originally served in her boudoir, it is what we now know as afternoon tea and is called a low tea because it is usually served at a coffee table – a low table. Clearly it would not be comfortable to eat any meal from low table requiring the use of a knife and fork. For this reason the fare served at low tea is either finger-food, or is consumed with a cake fork. There are three forms, all named for the foods accompanying the tea.

Cream Tea is the most basic tea and is served with scones, jam and cream – traditionally whipped Devonshire cream.

Light Tea adds pastries to the fare of the cream tea with its scones, jam and cream.

Full Tea includes all the ingredients of the light tea, but adds savouries to the menu.

Just as dinner is served in courses, so tea may be served in courses and, as with dinner, the courses run from savoury to sweet.

All teas are appropriate for an afternoon tea, and as such there are no rules, but do bear in mind that not everyone appreciates the astringency of green tea. Of course one may offer one’s guest a choice and there is no reason you should serve the same tea with each course. In fact, it is far better to match the tea served with each course to the food in that course. A light afternoon tea such as Darjeeling is quite splendid with cucumber sandwiches, but might be overwhelmed by the fully flavoured meat dishes of a high tea. For these dishes one should rather consider Earl Grey, Lapsang Souchong or Kenya tea.

Jane Pettigrew publishes a very useful tea and food pairing list in page 71 of her book “The Connoisseur’s Guide to Tea’. I cannot recommend this book more highly and would urge any butler to add it to their library.

 A few pointers and tips

Plan ahead and start your preparations well in advance. Tea should be a relaxed affair and should guests notice that you are rushed, it will almost certainly spoil the experience for them. Make sure there are no last-minute crises in the kitchen!

Probably because afternoon tea is attributed to the Duchess of Bedford, one is inclined to consider it a social event primarily for the ladies. This means that while the tea or coffee service used after dinner is quite formal, the appropriate tea service for the afternoon is usually decorated with flowers or soft pastel colours. Dainty embroidered napkins are called for and no tea table would be complete without a beautifully arranged bowl of flowers.

Whether male or female, the butler should always seek the permission of the lady of the house before pouring the tea. Bear in mind that it is actually her duty and that you may not take it upon yourself to serve without her permission. Lastly, serving at a low table can be a challenge – take care not to bump into anyone and always bend at the knee lest you unwittingly present your posterior to a guest.

Assist by passing out cups and plates, helping guests reach items and making sure that everyone has a fork and napkin. Then retire to the kitchen with both teapots to prepare for the next course.

Champagne—An English Product

By Wayne Fitzharris, International Guild of Butlers and Household Managers

As much as the French may be surprised to know, particularly the purveyors of the myth that Dom Perignon was the sole creator of champagne—the man who created the bubbles  in the bottle—thirty years before the French made their first sparkling wine and seventy years before  the first Champagne House was established in Champagne—the English were producing sparkling wines.

How come?

The British invented the toughened glass that allows the  secondary fermentation process to take place without the bottle exploding. A Christopher Merritt wrote a paper for the Royal Society entitled The Ordering of Wines which refers to the making of sparkling wines by English wine coopers as an  established practice. While they were doing so, according to written records, Dom Perignon was busy trying to  stop the wine fermenting in the bottle. That the French perfected the process for making champagne is still true and appreciated, but without the Brits, famous for their tea, not their wines (even though they have been growing them off and on since Roman times), the whole concept of sparkling wines would not have been possible.

 Hangers & hangers

  Part 2 of 3, by Amer Vargas

The standard hanger measures 16-18 inches in width. Its height can vary from 11 to 7 inches, measured from the top of  the hook to its “feet.” Plastic and wooden hangers can be flat or contoured so as to copy the shoulder-nape-opposite shoulder line of the body. Contoured hangers are very often padded, which means that the ends are wider so as to allow better support of the coat or jacket or other garment being stored on it.

Some examples of the most common hangers

The simple hanger is used to accommodate anything that is worn on the upper part of the body, such as shirts, blouses, waistcoats, coats, jackets, bathrobes and gowns. Sometimes they are provided with a notch designed to fit shoulder straps. Satin padded versions are generally reserved for ladies’ more delicate and intimate wear, such as light gowns, baby-doll pajamas and some articles of lingerie.

Horizontal-rod hangers are intended exclusively for trousers and some accessories (like ties), whilst clip hangers usually allow for the clips to slide sideways so as to better fit the hems of trousers or the waistband of skirts.

There are two types of clamp hangers: one is equipped with long clamping bars, whilst the other is equipped with short ones; the first is intended for skirts, whilst the second type is for trousers. These different clamp hangers are very commonly provided with non-slip grips made out of rubber, velvet, foam or plastic, to prevent clothing from slipping out of the clamp and falling.

Suit hangers are one of the best choices for all kind of wardrobes, as the possibility of hanging a top and a bottom on one hanger means you’re making the best use of wardrobe space. Besides, it is handier and tidier to have a suit (jacket and trousers) together on a single hanger than to keep it on separate hangers.

Other sorts of hangers are intended to hang several trousers at once, or several ties (or other similar accessories) or even shoes, although this last option might not be the best way of storing shoes, so take care when selecting such specialized hangers.

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and skills of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resort,  spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts, & cruise ships


The Modern Butlers’ Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, September, 2011

The Modern Butlers’ Journal volume 7, issue 8

 International Institute of Modern Butlers

Message from the Chairman

 Managed to dodge Hurricane Irene while on a cruise.

 Thanks to those who subscribed to the newsletter and who sent us their appreciation of the new format.

 I attended a conference on social media the other day and my goodness, it is a whole new world to  explore: the new web site and newsletter formats are just the beginning. 

 Apart from inviting you to join in the dialog on the blog  (contact the editor to be given “author” status),  I want to point out the brand new forum (that can be reached usually via the red button top right of the  home page). We used to have a mish-mash of a forum that grew over the years without any form and was impossible to navigate. The new one has five different categories and 28 subcategories, so you can more easily find the discussion you want to be part of.

We transferred all the old posts, retaining who said what and when, so you will find a mine of information already there. But more importantly, you can start the dialogue or find answers to questions, answer them, or just plain sound off. Talking of which, we have several moderators, including Werner Leutert for all things relating to hiring, John Robertson for all things etiquette; Frank Mitchell for a variety of subjects, and Amer Vargas for valet and chef issues.
Join in, it’s there for you!


 Living Life on the Avenue, the first upscale retirement community in the world to  incorporate butler-style service opened a couple of days ago in Toronto, Canada to great  fanfare and a single word from the General Manager (texted on the fly during the Grand Opening): “Awesome!” Congratulations and much success.



Interesting Links & Media Coverage

UN Seeking to Fix Slavery Conditions for Domestic Workers There are an estimated 100 million domestic workers in the world, and their lot is not much to write home about, generally, with the paychecks they send to support their families. To begin to address the problem, delegates at the United Nation’s International Labor Organization (representing unions, employers and governments), voted 396 to 16 for a non-binding Convention on Domestic Workers to lay out how domestics should be treated in UN member countries.

While we are spoiled in the West, and certainly in the butler field (we do not encounter outright sexual or other battery, false imprisonment, and slavery; half the domestic workers in the world do not even have one day off),  there are issues even in the US most of which boil down to a lack of consideration for fellow human beings. The UN can’t address that, but at least creating a framework for employers to follow and greater redress for employees, will go some way towards a better operating climate for domestic employees around the world.

Another Effort at Robot Butlers

It’s certainly fun and challenging to work out how to create a house where a robot can serve the tea. Relevant questions: would employers like to live in such a house? Would they prefer to be served by a robot rather than a live human? Would a Beef Wellington taste better cooked by a robot than a chef? Robots have their faults, no doubt, and certain advantages, but do anything other than robots prefer them for company?


  The Fallen Idol, The Failed Butler

Always a pleasure to discover a new (old) film featuring a butler —

but we don’t recommend you follow in his footsteps. 

Letters to the Editor

We heard from an avid reader in the path of Hurricane Irene just before it hit: “With regard to emergency preparation, all I had to do was to turn to the household bible, Butlers and Household Managers. It’s really the only book in the world that one needs! A stunning work.  I am never without it now.” (NG)

Editor’s Note: Not exactly the application we had anticipated, but very warming and encouraging to know our readership thinks outside the box!

Last month, we put out a call for more information on this query:  “I’m searching for a re-usable leather seating plan used in a home, replicating the table that features slots to slip a tiny card or paper in, with the guest’s name. I saw this type of table plan presentation at the Baronness de Rothschild’s château in Geneva: it was in leather, and placed on a table just outside the dining room with the tiny cards containing the guests name indicating where they were seated.”  S. Hedqvist

Editor: We suspect this seating plan was custom made, but if anyone knows where such an item may be available commercially, please contact us.

Thanks go to John Robertson, who had the answer:

“Table boards may be ordered from William & Son, 10 Mount Street, London. Cost could range anywhere from $500 to $1,000 depending on size, etc.  They do a beautiful job, will emboss with the family crest and so forth. I don’t know anywhere that still stocks them (Harrods used to).”

 A New Resource for Personal Assistants

Not everyone has what it takes to be a Personal Assistant, but if you answer “yes” to more than three of the following questions, you may already possess some of the inherent skills of successful Personal Assistants.

  1.       Are you the event planner for your family and friends?
  2.       Do people say you are obsessive with details?
  3.       Is color-coding and organizing a friend’s closet your idea of a fun Saturday?
  4.       Do you alphabetize books by author and also by subject?
  5.       Is coordinating a complicated trip an exciting challenge?
  6.       Do you love when no two days are the same?
Intructor, Bonnie Low-Kramen

A Personal Assistant is charged with great responsibility and is the liaison to all contacts in an employer’s life.  He or she must hit the ground running when faced with almost any situation and do it with calm precision, informed discretion, and a positive attitude. As more and more busy celebrities and executives desire a more customized approach to their lives, high-paying positions for skilled, smart, and sharp Personal Assistants are increasingly available in the 2011 workplace.

Teaching a class about a profession that is often glamorized & misunderstood, former Personal Assistant and co-founder of the professional association, New York Celebrity Assistants (NYCA), Bonnie Low-Kramen’s passion is to pull back the curtain to portray accurately the work of personal assistants.

When I began as a celebrity personal assistant for a famous actress 25 years ago, we didn’t  even know there was a name for what I was doing. There were no classes or books on the subject. What we did have were employer needs that needed to be met. So how did I know what to do? Trial and error—and I made many mistakes.  It doesn’t have to be like that anymore, and I am determined to be part of the solution.”

The author of the book Be the Ultimate Assistanta compendium of best practices, Ms. Kramen is also the curriculum developer and instructor for the new course Basic Skills for the Personal Assistant, available at the French Culinary Institute in New York City.

The 25-hour course, is designed provide students with the opportunity not only to learn the basics, but also to develop the mindset, confidence, and tools to succeed with the most demanding employer. Check out Basic Skills for the Personal Assistant.


Hangers & hangers

Part 1 of 3, by Amer Vargas

Maybe there are not as many types of hangers as there are wines or cheeses, but still, there is a wide choice that can be used in your own or someone else’s wardrobe. I hope these next few lines will shine some light on this rarely written-about subject, especially for those butlers who are new to the profession.

For anyone who might have dropped in recently on the way to another sector of the galaxy, a hanger is a device shaped somewhat like human shoulders, with a hook that allows the hanger to suspend clothes in the air and so be draped as they would when worn. Sometimes, the human-shoulders shape is omitted and instead the hook holds a horizontal rod to hang trousers, or a fine bar with clips for suspending skirts or pants, or a clamping device that may be used to hold skirts or pants instead of the clips.The best hangers are those that combine the human-shoulders shape with the horizontal rod, the clips or the clamping device, allowing the user to store a suit, for example, on the same hanger. Other types of hangers also allow one to hang multiple ties, cravates, foulards,* scarves, or belts.

Regardless of the type of hanger, its aim is always the same: to accommodate hanging the item for which it is intended so as to prevent wrinkles.

Hangers are typically made of metal wire, wood, plastic, or are fabric-covered. In this era of “organic” whatever, we have even seen the birth of organic clothes hangers made, for instance, of bamboo cane.

* A tie or handkerchief made of  silk or silk and cotton, typically having a printed pattern. 


 The Butler’s Guide to Tea 

   by Frank Mitchell

Making the Perfect Cup of Tea

Now that we have all our tea-making equipment, let’s take a look at the correct method for making Ceylon tea. The following is the accepted method for brewing Orthodox Black Teas (as preferred in the UK), confirmed as correct by myself when visitng Sri Lankan tea factories.

These rules do not apply to all teas or tisanes. Oolong Teas, Green Teas and some China Black Teas take cooler water. Jane Pettigrew’s excellent The Connoisseur’s Guide to Tea gives a very comprehensive list of brewing temperatures for various teas


Start by pre-heating two teapots – fill them with hot water or place them in a low oven. You will also need the following:

LEMON Do not use toothpicks for serving lemon slices – this new trend seen in hotels is one of my personal pet peeves. Please serve lemon with a small cocktail fork or a pair of tongs.

MILK Do not serve cream with tea – it overwhelms the taste of the tea and should only be served with coffee.

SUGAR White or Demerara sugar, preferably in lumps and served with a pair of tongs. Offer honey as an alternative.

Experts maintain that sugar spoils the taste of tea and it may be worth weaning yourself off sugar if you are enjoying some of the finer teas available today. Bear in mind that tea is a healthy drink and it makes little sense to extol the virtues of the beverage if you are consuming it with refined carbohydrates!

WATER QUALITY A good pot of tea needs fresh water brought to the boil as quickly as possible. Water kept warm in an urn or drawn from a coffee machine boiler —let alone the hot-water tap (faucet)—should never be used for making tea. It has low oxygen levels and the dissolved salts and minerals will have been concentrated through evaporation.

Filter tap water before filling the kettle. Use spring water when making finer-flavoured or higher-priced teas. We experimented and found a significant improvement in the taste of fine Darjeeling made with Evian, compared to a control pot made with tap water.

Tea made from soft water or permanently hard water (CaSo4) results in a bright, clear infusion, while tea made with temporarily hard water (CaSo3) results in a dull and flat infusion that quickly develops a layer of scum on top. This effect can be reduced by adding sugar, although it is not recommended that tea be taken with sugar. Milk increases the amount of scum on the surface, although reduced-fat milk produces about half as much scum as full-fat milk. The best solution then is to pass temporarily hard water through a filter before filling the kettle.

TEA Store your tea in a cool, dry place and add it to the warmed teapot just before the kettle boils. Add one heaped teaspoon for each cup and ‘one for the pot’. This gives a slightly stronger pot of tea and allows you to serve each guest according to his or her taste.

DRAWING Pour rapidly boiling water over the leaves and draw for the correct length of time. A common mistake is to draw tea longer for a stronger pot of tea. This is incorrect and will result in ‘stewed (bitter) tea.’ Add more tea and draw it for the time stated on the tea tin/packet, no longer. Since colour infuses before taste, looking at the colour of tea in the pot will not tell you much. Good tea producers will change the drawing time from one batch to another, so consult the instructions each time you open a new tin or packet. Stir the tea twice while brewing, once halfway through and once again at the end, to ensure the water is able to access the leaves and draw out their flavor.

Strain the tea into the second heated teapot. Rinse out the first pot and refill it with boiled water. The two pots are taken out together so that those guests who do not like strong tea can dilute their cup with a drop of hot water.

High tea is probably one of the most misused and misunderstood terms in the hotel trade today. Next month we will look at the difference between high tea and the low teas and give you some tips for serving a memorable afternoon tea.


 That’s all for this month.

 See you next month.


 Before you leave, please

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 to continue to receive these newsletters.


Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and skills of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resort,  spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts, & cruise ships


The Modern Butlers’ Journal for Service Professionals Worldwide, August, 2011

International Institute of Modern Butlers

The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards

by broadly disseminating 

the mindset and skills of that time-honored,

quintessential service provider, the British Butler,

adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in

staffed homes, luxury hotels, resort,  spas, retirement communities, 

jets, yachts, & cruise ships


Message from the Chairman

Well, that was not so successful—publishing every other month: it did not reduce our workload, caused some protests, and so much material piling up to publish that we have had to push some articles to the next issue. So we are moving back to a monthly MBJ.
As you will probably have noticed, we have switched to a web-based newsletter through our new web site. Please sign up for the newsletter by subscribing at the top right of this page and the link to the newsletter will  be sent to you automatically each month. At the end of the year, we will no longer be sending out emails with the newsletter link.
Yes, our new web site is up and running, with thanks to Mr. Clive McGonigal for his guidance and deft hand. Please do visit and start the dialogue with comments on blogs, articles, liking what you see (hopefully), etc. Anyone who would like to post, please contact the editor and we will give you author status.


We are very happy to announce that the high-end of the retirement community is now recognizing the value of butler service and five-star standards, with Toronto leading the way.

Peter Island Resort is Part of the British Virgin Islands yet a world apart, especially now that the Institute was able to provide some training in butler style service to the butlers and other staff.

Talking of exporting butler standards, the Institute has been engaged in training hospitality staff in the Southern Hemisphere as part of a program to give eager but economically challenged youngsters the leg-up they need to join the service industry. Frank Mitchell reports on the Signature Life Institute of Hospitality Studies initiative.

As a sidenote for butlers in South Africa,  the Private Hotel School in Stellenbosch is offering culinary skills training for private service professionals after hours and over weekends: 15 days for R 4,600.   


Interesting Links & Media Coverage

The Houston Chronicle (Texas) writes of local butlers and the challenges they face

The Canadians repeat the line about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (although they twice refer to them as the “Duke and Duchess of Cornwall,” a title belonging to Prince William’s father, Prince Charles)  foregoing butlers and this being bad news for the profession.

We still contend that the modern butler has a place in their lives, so they can focus on their own duties—and the royal couple will find this out as their duties increase.

Thanks, Cornell University researchers, as reported in the New York Times, who have coined a new phrase, “Butler lying,” to describe our tendency to act as social buffers, telling white lies.

Butlers are experiencing a comeback in Scotland

And while on the subject of Celtic butlers being in demand…

a client needs a butler who is based in Ireland for a five-day assignment there.

Please let us know if you (or someone you know who fits the bill) are interested.

Letters to the Editor

“I’m searching for a re-usable leather seating plan used in a home, replicating the table that features slots to slip a tiny card or paper in, with the guest’s name. I saw this type of table plan presentation at the Baronness de Rothschild’s château in Geneva: it was in leather, and placed on a table just outside the dining room with the tiny cards containing the guests name indicating where they were seated.”  S. Hedqvist

Editor: We suspect this seating plan was custom made, but if anyone knows where such an item may be available commercially, please contact us


And from a Private Service Correspondence Course student:

“My assignment on the big program for the College and City will end August 3.  It was intense for awhile, but turned out to be very successful. The things I have already learned from the course have been beneficial, including the latest work on employee relations.  Your instruction continues to benefit my life, even during interruptions in the course.  I have a lot of education and professional experience over many years; still it was curious (but not surprising anymore) to me how directly principles of butling apply to helping the College and City work together in creating, producing, marketing, and cleaning up one of the biggest and most ambitious stadium shows in the country.  I’ll be back in touch as soon as I finish the current segment of Module 5.  Thanks again for your help and encouragement. Kindest regards, R.R.”


Purple Carrots

As reported by Private Chefs, Inc., “Carrots Used to Be Purple Before the 17th Century.”

Before the 17th century, almost all carrots cultivated were purple.  The modern day orange carrot wasn’t cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot, including yellow and white carrots and gradually developed them into the sweet, plump, orange variety we have today.

Before this, pretty much all carrots were purple with mutated versions occasionally popping up including the yellow and white carrots.  These however were rarely cultivated and lacked the purple pigment “anthocyanin,” which gave carrots back then their distinctive purple color.

It is thought that the modern day orange carrot was developed by crossing the mutated yellow and white rooted carrots as well as varieties of wild carrots, which are quite distinct from cultivated carrots.

Some think that the reason the orange carrot became so popular in the Netherlands was in tribute to the emblem of the House of Orange and the struggle for Dutch independence.  This could be, but it also might just be that the orange carrots that the Dutch developed were sweeter tasting and more fleshy than their purple counterparts, thus providing more food per plant and being better tasting.


The Butler’s Guide to Tea

by Frank Mitchell





Tea Equipage

Before we talk about making tea, I want to make sure we have the right tools for the job. Teapots and tea sets come in myriad shapes and sizes, designed to suit all tastes and budgets.

Changes in fashion and personal stylistic preferences aside, here are a few guidelines to ensure that the equipment you choose will brew the best cup of tea possible. 

The Teapot

 A good teapot should be inert—which relegates the beautiful silver tea set to ornamental status.
Unglazed pots such as Yixing teapots are said to be better for green and oolong teas as the clay will ameliorate the tea’s natural astringency. 
Bear in mind that these pots come in a variety of grades and that the quality of the clay can have as much effect on the taste of the tea as the water you use.

For black tea, the inside of the pot should be glazed so that it will not affect the tea’s flavour. Glass is good at this and has the advantage that one can watch the tealeaves open up as they draw.

Unfortunately glass is not as good at retaining heat when the teapot is pre-heated.  The teapot should be large enough for the quantity of tea required, but consider single serving teapots for green and oolong teas.

Such teas can be brewed more than once and you are encouraged to use all the tea from each brewing before adding more water. Make sure that the opening is wide enough for the infuser you intend to use.

The spout should be level with the opening and pour without dripping. Oval shaped spouts are generally the most successful. 

On a good teapot, the lid fits so closely, that blocking the vent in the lid with your finger forms a vacuum and no water will pour from the spout when the pot is tipped.

Lastly, a well-balanced teapot does not strain the wrist or bring your knuckles into contact with the hot teapot when pouring.

Whatever you decide, remember that you should have a second, preferably matching teapot. I will explain the use of the second pot next month.

The Strainer

Assuming that we are using loose leaf tea, an arrangement must be made to separate out the tea leaves once the tea has drawn. 

This can either take the form of a strainer or an infuser. Most infusers do not leave enough room for the tea leaves to draw properly and yet one often sees small infusers designed for a single cup used in a teapot!

As the tea leaves draw water they swell up. Packed together tightly in the infuser they are rendered useless. Do not force a large infuser into the teapot – I have seen staff get them stuck inside.

Take care not to chip the glaze off teapots with metal infusers and their retaining clips and chains. 

A well-know range is marketed under the ‘Bodum’ name.  These have the advantage that when the leaves are pushed down into the bottom of the infuser cage, they effectively stop drawing.

If the tea is to be poured immediately – one can do so without first removing the leaves and dripping tea on the tea tray. Do not be tempted to convert a cafetière already used for coffee to tea making.

 The old-fashioned strainer still does a good job, but it must be kept clean and an arrangement must be made to catch drips. 

If the strainer is plastic – it stays in the kitchen! By using two teapots, one can keep the strainer with its stains, drips and spills in the kitchen anyway. 

The Tea Cosy

This is usually used while the tea is drawing, but some experts believe this practice can cause the tea to stew and release bitter flavours into the final brew.

Reserve the tea cosy until after the leaves have been removed from the pot. Of course, if the tea will be served immediately, it should not be needed. Similarly, avoid using a tea warmer until after the tea leaves have been removed. 

A final word on cleaning: simply rinse out the pot with boiling water and leave it to dry. Avoid washing it in soapy water or placing it in the dishwasher which will dull the glaze.

Never bleach a teapot to remove stains. Add two teaspoons of baking soda, fill with boiling water and soak overnight. Rinse and leave to dry.

Next month we will take a look at the correct method of preparing orthodox black teas.


That’s all for this month.

See you next month.

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