
The Modern Butlers’ Journal, July 2019

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

Drug and alcohol abuse are a large problem in our profession, usually with principals, their family, or friends, but sometimes also with staff or vendors. The Institute was asked to hire a butler for an extremely well-known individual. We were about to present four options when our due-diligence research finally paid off: We were suspicious there was a drug element involved, but the Internet showed the individual to be squeaky clean…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

Little in the news regarding butlers this month, other than a couple of new misuses of the word: “Lawn Butler” and “Car Butler.”…

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Professional Standards of Performance, Applications #17: A Worthy Foundation (I)

by Prof. Richard Ratliff

The Butler’s Standards for Professional Performance provide extensive guidance for the practice of modern butling—from attitudes, to professional responsibilities and behavior, to the performance of specific tasks, and the maintenance of professional relationships. Now may be a good time to discuss some basic foundational principles underlying these performance standards.

A master butler is a master of relationships, requiring four basic qualities…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 26: Food & Beverage

by Steven Ferry

Continuing to examine F&B as it was done two centuries ago, we find the following: Tea Trays: Do not pour boiling water on them to clean them (really!), especially if they are made of paper or lacquered: Instead, use a sponge with hot water and soap. Here is something new: If the tray is very dirty, rub flour into it with a dry cloth. Washing Glasses: Wash them as soon as possible after use by submerging them in cold water in a wooden bowl…

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The Butlers Speak: Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse

by Steven Ferry

This whole topic was suggested by a colleague, who had this to say: “I suspect many Butlers work in situations involving drug and/or alcohol abuse by employers, but there are limited resources for us because our non-disclosure contracts demand we take a vow of silence. We do not receive much, or any, formal training regarding substance abuse. Yet much information and ample resources exist that might help us help and support a member of the household who is experiencing substance-abuse issues.”…

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Staff Training: Popper – “E” for Explore

by Frank Mitchell

Questions are vital. They help the trainer gauge the depth and extent of the participants’ understanding. Failure to question students can lead to duplication of action without understanding. They may pass the assessment but be unable to apply the training in real-life. Ask questions throughout but be aware that asking questions during your demonstration of the required pace for competency may slow you down…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 45: Strawberry-Lemonade Mojito

by Amer A. Vargas

The good cocktail “enjoyer” will always be able to find a reason, or perhaps just an excuse, to amuse his palate with an interesting mix: Over the past few days, a not-so-nice heat wave has been hitting and heating western Europe, with temperatures of up to 45 degrees C/113 degrees F in some places. So, time for a cocktail… a most refreshing cocktail. On this occasion, I would like to call on an original Mojito adaptation by our friends at…

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Consulting the Silver Expert: Cleaning and Polishing Silver, Part 2 of 2

by Jeff Herman

Gently wash and dry your silver immediately after use. While washing, do not allow silver to come into contact with a metal sink, as it can scratch the silver. Instead, use a plastic dishpan or line the sink with a towel. Use a non-lemon-scented phosphate-free detergent and, to avoid water spots, towel-dry using a soft cotton dishtowel or Selvyt cloth. Silver that is used frequently and washed in this manner will require infrequent tarnish removal…

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In Their Words: How Those Trained by the Institute’s Trainers Feel about Their Experience, or Their Managers about the Results

Successes from some of the recent butlers graduates at the Selman Marrakech:

“I have learned how to better talk to clients, unpack a suitcase and keep everything properly in the closet, as well as key words and phrases to use whilst at work and how to keep in control and calm.” HC...

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Recent Hospitality Graduates

Just a few days back, the Institute’s President finished a training for the Butler team at one of Marrakech’s most exclusive luxury hotels, the Selman. Shown here are the proud graduates, together with their trainer, Mr. Vargas…

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Creative Corner

featuring Kobi Gutman

Here is the latest creation from Mr. Gutman: What appears to be Mephistopheles, a demon featured in German folklore and originally appearing in literature as the demon in the Faust legend. This is the original sculpture. And this is the casting from it in stone—really a casting mix called “drystone,” the benefit of which is that it retains its white color, whereas other mixes come out greyish…

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.