Koby Gutman Newsletter Rick Fink

The Modern Butlers’ Journal, September 2021, Creative Corner

IIMBCreative Corner

Featuring Butlers who Apply their Creative Talents to their Art and their Profession






Rick Fink

An Exceptional Capturing of a Master

In Mr. Fink’s words: “This is a copy of Master Vermeer’s well-known painting called The Milkmaid and is painted on canvas in acrylic at the original size. The fun about doing these is that one is able to lay one’s own canvas, stretch it, paint it, and then frame it oneself—I also painted the wooden frame  and gold leafed it. It took three-to-four months from start to finish. 

Mr. Rick Fink has been in the butler profession for over six decades, is the principal of the Butler Valet School in England, and a venerable member of the International Butler Trainer Alliance. He started painting four years ago and before that, when he was in his 20‘s—the time in between he was too busy butling to paint!

Kobi Gutman


A brilliant capture of motion in a slice of time from Mr. Gutman.

As a bonus, Mr. Gutman has produced a short video showing how he made this statue grouping.

In Mr. Gutman’s words: “Although this is a more complex sculpture, it follows the same basics of simpler ones—The Cheetah, the man leaning, the Shaulin monk, and others that I have created over the months—they were all created in the same way: Armature,* positioning, adding clay for the general shape/volume, and then providing the details. Each step, of course, has its own technology and is a whole subject in itself, but the video gives a general understanding of the basic concepts. Granted, this is not the only way to create a sculpture but it’s a common one.”

*As the video shows, an Armature is a metal framework on which a sculpture is molded with clay or similar material.

Mr. Kobi Gutman is one of  the most accomplished hotel butlers in the world, currently working as the head butler at a private resort in Florida; he can be reached via the Institute.

The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world.