Message from the Chairman
by Steven Ferry
It was heartening to see the response to my last message about calming the turmoil in the world by everyone knowing and insisting upon their Human Rights, as delineated in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Some of you really did take to heart the vital necessity of Human Rights in a civil society—and if butlers represent anything, it is the civility and caring that lie at the root of civilization, so please do continue. We have found over the last couple of months that it takes a constant effort to bring the message through to the majority, as they are so distraught and distracted by…
Butlers in the Media
by Steven Ferry
An interesting article entitled “What Will Success Actually Take For Estate Managers of the Future?” from one of our own, Mr. Jim Grise…
Letters to the Editor
“I read your piece about the shortage of cutlery. Even people with money don’t always have enough cutlery in their homes—many is the time I or staff assisting me have had to wash up the small forks so there would be enough for the pudding! It is all part of the fun of putting on a dinner party. Even the sherry glasses have had to be removed after the soup course, cleaned, and put back on the table for the port when the dessert was served (today, many call dessert “pudding” when it is actually just fruit that sits on the side[table]…
The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 52: After Dinner
by Steven Ferry
Once dinner was over, the ladies withdrew to the (with)drawing room where they were served tea and coffee by the butler. The men followed later, at which point they were also served tea and coffee. Meanwhile the staff cleared and washed the dirty dishes, etc. In the event that wine and fruit etc. were leftover in the dining room, the butler was to lock the door to prevent the staff helping themselves to the leftovers. It was advised the staff be given beer so that they would not feel tempted to drink the remaining wine…
Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 71: Iced Bailey’s Café Latte
by Amer A. Vargas
Continuing with our cocktail series, on this occasion we step into the versatile world of coffee to talk about a simple yet delicious combination that mixes the kick of coffee, the refreshing qualities of ice, the delightful creaminess of milk (and/or cream itself), and the tang of Bailey’s Irish cream. As you are about to see, this coffee combination is very easy to prepare. This is what you will need:
- A cold Café Latte (approximately 1/3 of coffee and 2/3 cold milk).
- 5 oz./ 45 ml. Bailey’s Irish Cream…
My Butler Julius: Job Specification vs. Reality
by Butler Julius
While enjoying a coffee with a butler colleague, he told me what is becoming a very familiar tale these days about starting a new job and being expected to work 80-plus hours a week. I asked what his contract specified, to which he laughed and said, “You know that doesn’t mean a thing.” Consequently, he is now searching for a new position, which explains in part the large turnover of staff in private residences. On the flipside, I know a number of people who work for demanding families but who are…
Paying Attention to Details
Because one image can say more than a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) someone’s attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…
Care of Leather Goods, Part 11: How to Polish
by Steven Ferry
Lay a cloth or newspaper on a surface to prevent dirtying the surface with dust or polish. Remove any laces and use a slightly stiffer brush to brush away dust and grime; then a small round “on” brush to apply a small amount of polish to each section of shoe, including the mid-sole (unless it is made of rubber or plastic), as well as the tongue. For a better shine, apply the polish with a drop of water or even a damp sponge, which will also keep the polish soft so it can be worked into the leather more effectively. Use…
Coming Soon… Online Hospitality Butler Course!
by Amer A. Vargas
Being a butler is not just a profession. Some say it’s almost an art; it’s definitely a philosophy and a way of life.
Whether your company be a hotel, a resort, a cruise ship, rental villas or time-share properties, if you require training of your butlers, the new IIMB Online Hospitality Butler Course could help improve your butler team’s skills. The course provides a deeper look into the butler’s soft skills, including how to manage themselves as a true butler would. It teaches butlers new and old skills such as the right demeanor, the proper communication, the way to approach service, the butler’s Etiquette & Protocols…
Creative Corner
ft. Rick Finck & Kobi Gutman
We are expanding this monthly column to include other butlers who, not surprisingly, given the level of creativity the position requires, enjoy skills in the fine arts. If you, or any butler you know, are a creative artist in no matter what genre, please feel free to submit your/their works to the editor of the Modern Butlers’ Journal. This month we include new creations by Mr. Rick Fink and Mr. Kobi Gutman…….
Update on SABA
The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.
Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.