
The Modern Butlers’ Journal, August 2021

Message from the Chairman

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

As we survey the broad vista of humanity in action today, we see more strife and discord than is healthy for a single species to be entertaining within itself. There is, after all, only one set of humans and it makes no sense for it to be threatening its own survival by fighting itself with quite such deep fervor and conviction. It is not generally known that as a group, we humans have 30 rights as created in 1948 by the United Nations, and the 30th of these says that our rights cannot be taken away by anyone for any reason. It is an observable fact that…

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Butlers in the Media

by Steven Ferry

A well-written and interesting article by a butlerphile on the case of the disappearing butler in books, films, and TV series—with a few ideas offered to explain this observation. One intriguing piece of equipment: a “butler pan used to collect crumbs and ashes from the table.” This one made in Japan of porcelain...


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Letters to the Editor

As was the case in the July issue, several subjects were brought up this month:

“Thank you. I so needed this this week.” LT (Regarding last month’s message from the Chairman)

“Please request (…) Ms. Yang Lin to contact me with regards to her letter about SABA. I am currently working on Cunard Line as [deleted] where Mr. Cross has claimed he worked as a Butler. I may have more information that might assist her in her case”…

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The Wisdom of Butlers Past, Part 51: Having Sufficient Silver & China

by Steven Ferry

One problem butlers ran into was not having enough silverware and plates, and so they had to remove them from the table as quickly as possible once used. They were washed and then presented again for the next course. Advice offered by one employer was to set up a maid outside the dining room with a bowl of hot water to wash the items and cold water to rinse them—and so avoid the time of taking dirty items all the way to the scullery by the kitchen. Anyone who can afford a butler these days, of course…

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Let’s Talk Mixology, Part 70: Watermelon Cooler

by Amer A. Vargas

With the sun heating up and hitting us hard in the Northern hemisphere, it’s a good idea to stay cool in the shade while, of course, enjoying a refreshing cocktail! On this occasion we suggest a non-alcoholic mix that will delight all ages throughout the year, although during the summer season it is even more pleasing. The Watermelon Cooler is very simple to prepare, as you are about to see. These are the ingredients you will need for 2 servings…

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My Butler Julius: Clean Shaven or Whiskers

by Butler Julius

My views on this may raise an eyebrow from our wonderful editor of this monthly newsletter, so I apologize in advance, the subject being, “Should male private staff and especially butlers be clean shaven or allow themselves to have a little facial hair?” One can argue the merits of hygiene when serving food and cleanliness when considering the bewhiskered over the shaven. Should it be a matter of personal choice or is it up to the principal to decide? I have known staff who reluctantly have shaved their prized…

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Paying Attention to Details

Because one image can say more than a thousand words, click on “read more” to find out how good (or not so good) someone’s attention to detail can be, and be left speechless…



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Care of Leather Goods, Part 10: General Care of Leather 2

by Steven Ferry

Steven Ferry

After each use, wipe leather products with a cloth dampened with water (soap often contains chemicals that degrade leather) to remove abrasive particles such as dust that are a leading cause of wear and tear. While shoes can be returned to their proper shape by the use of shoe trees, the same cannot be said of other leather products, such as bags and jackets. So for clothing, hang the item after wearing and let it fall naturally by doing up any zippers or buttons. For bags, wallets, etc…

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Coming Soon… Online Hospitality Butler Course!

by Amer A. Vargas


Being a butler is not just a profession. Some say it’s almost an art; it’s definitely a philosophy and a way of life.

Whether your company be a hotel, a resort, a cruise ship, rental villas or time-share properties, if you require training of your butlers, the new IIMB Online Hospitality Butler Course could help improve your butler team’s skills. The course provides a deeper look into the butler’s soft skills, including how to manage themselves as a true butler would. It teaches butlers new and old skills such as the right demeanor, the proper communication, the way to approach service, the butler’s Etiquette & Protocols and even how excellent butlers expertly handle very difficult situations with their guests…

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Creative Corner

ft. Rick Finck & Kobi Gutman

We are expanding this monthly column to include other butlers who, not surprisingly, given the level of creativity the position requires, enjoy skills in the fine arts. If you, or any butler you know, are a creative artist in no matter what genre, please feel free to submit your/their works to the editor of the Modern Butlers’ Journal. This month we include creations by Mr. Rick Fink and Mr. Kobi Gutman…….

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The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world. Contact us for all your training needs via email at or via telephone: USA 1-813- 354-2734. We invite you to also visit our website for more information.

Please email the editor of The Modern Butler’s Journal at with any article ideas, concerns, comments, or suggestions.