The Wisdom of Butlers Past
by Steven Ferry
Protocols for Candles
Candles and oil lamps were the only source of light at night and required attentive care. “Observe to have all your lamps and candles lighted up in the drawing-room a little before the guests come. If there is a glass chandelier or sconces, and if they are so high that you cannot reach them without steps, you had better have a small cane or stick with a wax-taper tied at the end, and an extinguisher; if you have this, you will be enabled to light them and put them out without having to bring the steps into the room, which is very inconvenient at such times: always prepare your candles before you set them up, that they may be ready to light without much trouble. I hope you never will attempt to blow them out, when the company are gone, with your mouth or even a pair of bellows, as this is both dirty and very dangerous.”
Extracted from the 1823 book, The Footman’s Directory and Butler’s Remembrancer, re-published in hardback by Pryor Publications. You may obtain your discounted copy (with free s&h) by emailing the publisher: Mr. Pryor (alan AT
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