Butler training Newsletter

The Modern Butlers’ Journal, July 2018, Recent Hospitality Graduates

Recent Hospitality Graduates

After ten hectic days of training in Antalya, a city located in the south of Turkey, it was graduation day for the butlers and all the F&B staff at Club Privé by Rixos. Below you can see the students enjoying a special recognition from their Head Butler Hamza Kara for their hard work and great performance, after receiving their certificates.

We wish all of you the best of success and a brilliant future!

The Institute is dedicated to raising service standards by broadly disseminating the mindset and superior service expertise of that time-honored, quintessential service provider, the British Butler, updated with modern people skills, and adapted to the needs of modern employers and guests in staffed homes, luxury hotels, resorts, spas, retirement communities, jets, yachts & cruise ships around the world.”


Butler training Training

The beautiful sound of the water in Southwestern Turkey

An intense and fruitful week in Belek, near Antalya, located in the Southwest of Turkey. The Susesi Luxury Resort & Spa is one of the most prominent hospitality establishments in the region and this year, their aim is to be nominated as Best Hotel in the area. Even though this is not an easy task, Susesi has many elements in place to achieve this goal: marvelous infrastructures, different restaurants and bars offering international gastronomical experiences and, most important, a staff devoted to pleasing the guests. The latter point was reinforced by the most recent training conducted by the International Institute of Modern Butlers for the butlers that serve guests in the Villas and Suites to a standard of excellence.

The name of the hotel has been coined from the Turkish words “Su” (meaning water) and “Sesi” (meaning sound of). Thus, the name evokes the wonderful spa services available and the pleasure guests can experience through the water, in the form of the different fountains, swimming pools and the beach that are part of the resort.

All participants in the training proved their great abilities to work closely with their VIPs, using their distinct communication skills, observation, anticipation and attention to detail. The trainer left the hotel with the firm conviction that he will soon have to re-issue the certificates earned, to add a Golden Seal so as to acknowledge the great job performed by one or more of these butlers.

As these lines are written, high season has started! The hotel is going to benefit from a high occupancy rate for many months. This will provide the butlers with numerous opportunities to show off not just everything they have just learned, but also their innate kindness and care.

Many thanks to all staff that helped with the organization and good progress of the training, and who took care of the instructor during his stay, including Eric, the photographer, who caught the best moments of the certifications hand-out for posterity with his knowledge and savoir-faire.

Susesi butlers, I wish you the best.

Butler training Training

El fantástico sonido del agua en el Sur-oeste de Turquía

Una semana intensa y fructífera en Belek, cerca de Antalya, en el Sur-oeste de Turquía. El Susesi Luxury Resort y Spa se encuentra entre los complejos hoteleros más prominentes de su región y este año se ha establecido como objetivo ser nominado el Mejor Hotel de su zona. A pesar de no ser hito fácil tiene muchos números para conseguirlo: unas fantásticas instalaciones, multitud de puntos de restauración de diferentes gastronomías y, lo más importante, un personal cuyo único interés es complacer a los visitantes. Este último punto se ve reforzado, además, por el último training que el International Institute of Modern Butlers ha desarrollado para formar a los mayordomos que servirán a los clientes de las Villas y las Suites.

Todos los asistentes al curso demostraron sus sobradas habilidades para desenvolverse con soltura ante sus VIPs particulares, haciendo uso de todas sus habilidades comunicativas, de observación, anticipación y atención al detalle. El instructor se marcha del hotel con la firme convicción de que en pocos meses tendrá que re-editar algún certificado incluyendo un Golden Seal (Sello de Oro), en reconocimiento al gran trabajo desarrollado por alguno de los asistentes al curso.

El nombre del hotel está formado por las dos palabras turcas “Su” y “Sesi” que significan “agua” y “ruido de.” De esta manera, el nombre evoca de forma implícita los fantásticos servicios de Spa que ofrece y el placer a través del agua en forma de fuentes, piscinas y playa de que pueden disfrutar todos los clientes.

Y mientras se escriben estas líneas, ¡la temporada alta ha comenzado! El hotel va a gozar de una ocupación casi total durante muchos meses. Así, los mayordomos van a tener multitud de oportunidades para demostrar tanto lo que han aprendido recientemente como la amabilidad y cuidado por los demás que les son innatos.

Mis agradecimientos a todo el personal que colaboró a la organización y el buen desarrollo de la formación, y al cuidado del instructor durante toda la estancia, incluyendo al fotógrafo Eric que se ocupó de inmortalizar los mejores momentos de la entrega de certificados con su pericia y su savoir-faire.

Mayordomos del Susesi, os deseo lo mejor.