Hotel Butlers Rating System

The Institute has created a rating system (using “Butlers” in the same way that Mobil uses “Stars” and AAA uses “Diamonds”) focused on butler service in hospitality venues.

The purpose of the rating system is:

  • To help guests and travel agents make informed decisions about the nature of the butler service being offered by a venue.
  • To assist hotel management and butler employees, as well as hotel butler trainers, optimize the butler services they are offering.

See the article Not All Butlers Are Created Equal for a greater understanding of the need for this system and a brief description of the ratings.

View the Hotel Butler Rating criteria

Butler rating SystemThe hotel butler rating system was introduced to the industry and the consumer media with the article So How Was Your Butler? Ratings Keep Hotels Honest & Validates Serious Players and the listing of the world’s hotels, resorts and private villas offering butler service and their ratings published at that time (see link below).

View hotels and resorts offering butler service in the world and their ratings.

Input Appreciated from All Players

The intent is not to force hotels and resorts into certain molds, so it is permissible for a higher rating to be granted even though not all the requirements may have been met. In this case the hotel or resort has to offer other, comparable services than those listed in the rating system.

Self-evaluations against the Butler Rating Criteria are welcome from hotels and resorts, as well as visiting butlers and those teaching butlers.

Guests at hotels and resorts are invited also to view the hotel listings and add input based on their own experience—a valuable cross reference.

All feedback remains confidential and email addresses are not used for any purpose other than the Institute clarifying input, if needed.

Please send feedback via our Contact page.

All participating hotels can receive a certificate from the Institute confirming their rating.

The Institute is happy to work with hotels, if desired, to implement the specifications for the next higher rating.


“Regarding the butler rating for the Palace, may we proceed with this in 3-4 week’s time? Although the service is up and running, we are shy of a continuous 24-hour butler service at the moment, which … is our next priority, since our aim is a 5* Butler rating. The Institute’s guidance  list on this proves very valuable, thank you.”
Independent Butler Trainer